Lake Onalaska report

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    Today I got out on the lake with my son and had some quality time away from the girls (there are 4 of them ) With the high winds, cold temps, and the on and off snow squalls I told Kaiden we might not have much luck. Good thing my predictions were wrong

    We fished in about 8 fow (no flasher so just a guess). We did however have the Fish TV camera that gave us some entertainment. By the way, so far the camera works pretty darn good for being an el’ cheapo.

    I hooked Kaiden up with a black Gill Pill and right off the bat he was catching fish. I on the other hand switched baits a lot and caught a lot of dinks on everything I used.
    We were tipping the baits with waxies or red worms and both caught about the same amount of fish.
    I was the king of dinks while the little guy caught about a dozen good sized gills.

    The lake itself has around 4″ of ice, but is covered in at least 8″ of snow and also has a lot of slushy areas Hopefully it will freeze up sometime in the near future because walking in that mess is no fun at all.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1606

    We were out there today too and went SW of the landing by Schaefers. Very few fish and less ice. We were fishing on maybe 2-2 1/2″ and were very uncomfortable. There was at least 4″ water on the ice there. After 3 hrs of that we left and found fish elsewhere……not many there either.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Wow, I’m surprised at how little ice you guys had. Fished 2 areas today, and while the fishing was not spectacular for me, I had 6″ at a fairly shallow (5-10 ft) spot and 5+ at a very deep spot. Caught a big bass on a tip up and a bunch of bass on the jig sticks. A few decent crappies and two pig gills. Tomorrow will bring a change of plans to try and get on more fish!

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