
  • luke_haugland
    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    How has the fishing been lately?

    For me it has been really slow. Currently in my area, we have 3-6″ of water on top of the ice, and then snow on top of that. We currently are getting snow, with 9-12″ more inches coming throughout the night. We have plenty of ice, but the fish are tough to fool right now. The river spots are unsafe, with all the weight of the water and snow on top the little bit of solid ice that is left. So, I ventured out on macbride tonight, and went after the catfish. I marked quite a few fish on the bottom, that would explosively charge up at my baits, but wouldn’t hit them. I am pretty sure they were walleye’s because all the catfish I have caught this year have been suspended. Which is a weird thought in and of itself. I though catfish roamed the bottom, but my ice fishing this year has proved otherwise. Almost every catfish I have marked has been in 13 feet of water, but only five or six feet down from the ice. And 99% of the fish marked, will bite. They sure are fun!!

    Just curious if the “slow” bite is in full effect for everyone else. Blue gills are plentiful and willing, but I want something that will pull my drag!!

    Funny story as well: I was heading out on the lake on my snowmobile just like normal, however, I have been leaving the otter behind lately. Because the slush that accumulates on top of the tarp is unreal. I am talking like excess of 100lbs of slush on top of my shack. So, I strap a bucket to the back of the sled, scoop and lx-5 go in that. I put my rod bag over my back, and hold onto my auger. Well, going down the back yard, onto the lake, (same spot as always) I hit the ice, and immediately got thrown from my sled. I think I got knocked out for a bit, because I woke up and my face and hair was soaked from the water. I got up and gathered myself, and looked around. My sled had hit a tree branch somehow, that I have never hit before, and I and my auger went flying. My throttle on my auger was completely out of place- I thought GREAT!! I just broke ANOTHER auger this year… But I popped the thumb throttle back in, fired it up, and as soon as it dried off, she ran like a top, and drilled fine all night long! I love my strike-master. Also gotta say something about that snosuit- when I woke up, I was laying in 3-4″ of water, and the only thing wet on my entire body was my head and hair, because they were not covered. Never thought you could drown while ice fishing..especially on top of the ice…

    Well, thats my “slow” ice fishing story for the night..hope it makes somebody laugh- At least the cat-fishing was great!!

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