Clam Corp – Awesome!

  • Big Lund 20
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 270

    Just wanted to share a recent experience I had with Clam Corp.

    I purchased a Ice Armor(Blue suit) from a buddy and it was missing one of the male boot clips at the bottom. He told me that before I bought it and I said not to worry. I got the suit and call Clam customer service and talked with a person(I will not name names) and explained to him what I needed. He seemed to be in a hurry and said they would not have them in for a couple months because the have not received parts for the new suits. I told him that is was last years suit and it was not a new model. He took my name and # and said he would have to call the warehouse and that he would call me back. Well you can guess what happened next, a week passes and no call. I was kind of expecting that result being as he never verified my # or my name spelling.

    Anyway, a week passes and I call back and talk to an awesome Clam team member, not the same person as before. I explained to him what I needed and told him I had done a little troubleshooting and that I found that it was the same male clip that are on the ice spikes. He told me he had the part and he took my name and number and verified it all and said he would have it out in the mail the same day. Great!

    Wait, it gets better. I also needed a piece of tent material due to a mishap with the auger and asked him if I could order that through him. He said that they did and he would have to check on the price(around $6). I said no prob, and then he blows me away and says. ” I really apologize that you never got a call back and I’ll throw the material in the mail with your clip.” Now I know it’s less than $10 of parts with shipping but I was impressed!

    Anyway, two days later the clip and material arrive in the mail at no charge and I have a smile on my face!

    Clamp Corp had a customer for life before and it will always stay that way!


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