Hot Summer?

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7725

    Wife: “Why do you have binoculars in here? You hate when people chase nets to fish spots”

    Me: “…yeah um, they’re to watch for Eagles”

    Also Me: “…third pass by the same island without looking at the graph or touching a fishing rod, and not an eagle in sight.”

    Becker MN
    Posts: 915

    These temps are ridiculous….we’ll be at 7 straight days of hitting 100 degrees on the gauge (central MN in the country) by the end of the week.

    I have never seen this many straight days in MN without it being cloudy before.

    But goody…it rained last night…about enough to get the driveway wet..

    (ranting again..)

    Posts: 2312

    Had to coach my 10 yr old’s baseball game in a double-header (had to make up a game due to a previous rain-out) that started at 5pm last night. Anyone who’s ever coached youth ball can tell you that those innings can get LONG and it’s hard to keep kids motivated when conditions get like that. Plus the field had no shade and we were the visitors so we got the bench where we had to face the sun for 4 hrs. A good shower felt pretty awesome last night.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16332

    Anyone who’s ever coached youth ball can tell you that those innings can get LONG

    I used to be a little league umpire for many years back in the day and I can confirm that these hot, steamy summer days were ungodly wearing protective gear for a couple hour or more. I felt bad for the catchers too, they wore more gear than I did.

    I can remember 2 times when they actually post poned the game because of heat/humidity. Both coaches thought it was unsafe for them to be out there in 100+ heat index. We often only think of inclement weather like rain or t-storms as being the reason for postponing a game, but this kind of heat is honestly probably more unsafe because of heat exhaustion.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19359

    Had to coach my 10 yr old’s baseball game in a double-header (had to make up a game due to a previous rain-out) that started at 5pm last night. Anyone who’s ever coached youth ball can tell you that those innings can get LONG and it’s hard to keep kids motivated when conditions get like that. Plus the field had no shade and we were the visitors so we got the bench where we had to face the sun for 4 hrs. A good shower felt pretty awesome last night.

    I’m in the same boat coaching my sons games. The heat on the little dudes kill them

    Posts: 2312

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ThunderLund78 wrote:</div>
    Anyone who’s ever coached youth ball can tell you that those innings can get LONG

    I felt bad for the catchers too, they wore more gear than I did.

    My boy caught the first two innings – plus he wasn’t feeling 100% anyway because something he ate the day before gave him an upset tummy. To make matters worse, our team is struggling this year and the defense messed up on some key plays that prolonged the misery for him. But what are you gonna do, these kids are 10. They’re gonna make mistakes.

    Posts: 3594

    My 5yr old daughter got sick at tball last night. I know i could have kept her home but to me its BS they dont call it off especially for kids that age. Lot of people followed when we left.

    Posts: 2312

    It was safety-first for us. Parents advised to start hydration throughout the day, and we had water coolers, Ice and Ice-cold wet towels for the bench and frequent hydration breaks. All kids did OK. They didn’t have a ton of fun, but they did OK.

    Hope your daughter is doing better today, Jeremy!

    Posts: 349

    Does anybody know if a prolonged heat streak like this could wipe out a large population of trout in a stream? It seems like a lot of the trout streams I fish are marginal quality trout water to begin with; just wondering at what point can browns no longer tolerate the stream conditions.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 915

    Does anybody know if a prolonged heat streak like this could wipe out a large population of trout in a stream? It seems like a lot of the trout streams I fish are marginal quality trout water to begin with; just wondering at what point can browns no longer tolerate the stream conditions.

    Have to believe water levels of lakes and rivers are dropping and will continue to drop to historic levels. Haven’t had significant rain in two weeks and doesn’t look good for the long term forecast either. So with that said, lower water levels in some lakes and this heat will also likely lead to extremely high water temps which can’t be good for some lakes/fish populations..

    Posts: 1134

    What’s weird about this stretch is that usually at this time of year with hot days like this, you spend the evening of TV watching with the sever weather alerts from the local news station cutting into the evening TV. Usually the weather blows up. But not this time.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5597

    Yeah this is just bizarre. I read we are on the verge of setting consecutive heat records in the Twin Cities going back to the Dust Bowl.

    I am up at Mille Lacs right now and grass in most places is scorched and water is down 18-24” on the lake. Water temps are up 10 degrees from the week before, and another 10 from the week before that. Fishing conditions will soon be like mid August if this keeps up.

    Posts: 2312

    Was at the dentist the other day and they always have WCCO on in the background. They had a soundbite from the good ol’ Goof on the Roof, Paul Douglas. He said while surface conditions are dry, it’s not a technical drought because the Water Table is still high from two wetter than normal years. Not sure about that. While that may be true, try telling my Father-in-law who’s a big crop farmer there’s not a drought, he’s stressing it right now. we need a couple days of good steady rain. Not 2″ per hour downpours, which is probably what we’ll get when this thing breaks.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16332

    The newest drought monitor came out this morning. The entire state is now in some form of drought. No relief in sight either, as warmer than average temps and minimal rain in the immediate forecast.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7725

    We need rain (as does everyone) here on the banks of Pool 4. The family cash crops about ~120 acres of corn on part of the old farm that isn’t leased out …and portions without irrigators are showing it. The long-term pattern doesn’t look great for relief either. I refuse to water the lawn and have left it quite long, but even at length it’s now turning crispy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18393

    Reminds me of the 2006+ time frame. I remember because we bought our cabin and immediately added air and our lawn was so fried we only had to use a sickle to cut the lawn most of the summer(s).

    Becker MN
    Posts: 915

    Reminds me of the 2006+ time frame. I remember because we bought our cabin and immediately added air and our lawn was so fried we only had to use a sickle to cut the lawn most of the summer(s).

    Do you remember the date? Was it before mid June?

    That’s what’s harsh about this one. We’re not even to July and August yet.

    I’m thinking we’re in for a world of hurt..heat and drought wise..

    Posts: 8209

    Oh you guys will survive, I get the pleasure of working out side all day. I dont see the out door workers getting away with hiding in the ac and complaining on how hot it is.
    I hate the heat more and more as I get older. But I love me some bikini weather

    I’ve spent all week following an asphalt paver. Standing next to a 250 degree hot mat for 12 hours feels great in October, not so much this week.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10192

    Reminds me of the 2006+ time frame. I remember because we bought our cabin and immediately added air and our lawn was so fried we only had to use a sickle to cut the lawn most of the summer(s).

    Reminds me of 1988 because that was the first year I started Roofing. Worked early AM, went home for a few hours, came back and shingled till the sun went down.
    My 1st Daughter was born August 1st that year and we kept the newspaper from that day. Headlines were “Record heat wave”

    I do like the fact the my grass isn’t growing much. woot

    Posts: 3696

    Ok, I’m the guy on record who hates cold and winter. And I don’t really like 95 degrees either… but I will take this current heat wave over a below zero Polar Vortex any day.

    To me, the heat is the lesser of two evils… despite high temps yesterday, we went to our son’s softball game at 8:30 last night. It was 79 degrees by the 3rd inning and very tolerable to sit and watch for an hour and a half outside.

    This morning I fished from 5:00-9:00 am and it was a beautiful sunrise – mid-70’s, light breeze… kinda awesome. Of course til mid day, then it’s indoors, but at least you had a good 4 hour stretch with sunlight, open water, Vitamin D, etc.

    During a cold snap in the winter, there is no escaping. You can’t go out early or late to get decent temps. We bundle up several layers thick just to walk around the block for 10 minutes so we don’t go completely stir crazy. Our winters are just plain cold, dark and bleak… for months on end. I guess that’s why they call it the “dead of winter.”

    Okay, rant over… I’m sure I’m in the minority here and showing my age, but will take summer over winter in Minnesota hands down.

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    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18393

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    Reminds me of the 2006+ time frame. I remember because we bought our cabin and immediately added air and our lawn was so fried we only had to use a sickle to cut the lawn most of the summer(s).

    Do you remember the date? Was it before mid June?

    That’s what’s harsh about this one. We’re not even to July and August yet.

    I’m thinking we’re in for a world of hurt..heat and drought wise..

    I remember the first real hit was memorial day weekend. We had company and everyone was sitting in the lake. Also our company went home early. Update. I just confirmed 97 here on 5/28/06.
    If this is another summer like that at least it won’t be raining so many weekends like the last few years.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18393

    Found this. Box on right. Easily obtain daily historical weather by choosing month and year.I only looked at 06 and 07. My recollection was correct. Both of those were hot and dry.

    Posts: 2312

    Ok, I’m the guy on record who hates cold and winter. And I don’t really like 95 degrees either… but I will take this current heat wave over a below zero Polar Vortex any day.

    I’m with ya FryDog. I used to not mind winters but they’re getting harder to take, the older I get. I could definitely see myself being a snowbird in my later years.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10192

    Just looked at the Outing FB page and a guy posted 87.9 surface temps on Lawrence. shock

    Posts: 3696

    “Reminds me of 1988 because that was the first year I started Roofing. Worked early AM, went home for a few hours, came back and shingled till the sun went down.”

    I think June of 1988 was and still is the hottest, dryest month on record in Minnesota. I remember because I got married on June 25th after temps were close to 100 all month prior. Our wedding day I think was the only day under 90 and was 88.

    Lawns were dead, lakes/rivers were going dry and the only people making money were those in the boat/prop biz…

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1160

    Just looked at the Outing FB page and a guy posted 87.9 surface temps on Lawrence. shock

    Thats crazy, especially for early june. Bring the hot tub shorts

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5597

    Just looked at the Outing FB page and a guy posted 87.9 surface temps on Lawrence. shock

    That’s about what I had today on the north end of Mille Lacs. Also some pretty good algae bloom already out on the mudflats. Way early.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5597

    Check that. 82.5 surface temp on the water now.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16332

    Check that. 82.5 surface temp on the water now.

    If this pace continues for a prolonged time, we are going to see a massive cisco die-off out there again this summer. Low water levels + high temps = bad news for a coldwater species.

    Posts: 2312

    Somewhat of a brief reprieve down here in So Central MN this morning. A little more tolerable out there as I checked on my seeded grass which I’ve had to water almost constantly the last week. Some rain moving in from the west, hope it holds together for a good steady soaking, the farmers need anything they can get!

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