James and Marcus Quam target sloughs for jumbo perch in South Dakota.

James and Marcus Quam target sloughs for jumbo perch in South Dakota.
Pat McSharry heads west to fish with Marcus Quam of Reel Therapy Guide Service, where they get into a South Dakota perch frenzy at its finest!
While ice fishing in South Dakota, James Holst and Marcus Quam find excellent multi-species action!
This week James Holst heads to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to find safe ice and fish for panfish with Justin Soffa. He also discusses safe ice practices to follow during early and late ice conditions.
Join James Holst and In-Depth Outdoors Pro Staff Pat McSharry as they target walleye on Lake of the Woods Ontario, but get into a great perch bite and a bonus lake trout as well.
James Holst and Mike Anselmo head west to Devils Lake North Dakota for Jumbo Perch! *Please note that S10E14 was a re-run episode due to weather and bite conditions.
Caught this 14+ incher in North Dakota on a VMC Tingler Spoon tipped with a minnow head
14 incher
11″ perch
Jan 16th