Ladies and Gentleman, “START YOUR ENGINES”! Something special is starting to happen here in the Pasha Lake Region of Northwest, Ontario Canada and that’s called Walleyes. Well, I spouse you…

Ladies and Gentleman, “START YOUR ENGINES”! Something special is starting to happen here in the Pasha Lake Region of Northwest, Ontario Canada and that’s called Walleyes. Well, I spouse you…
Trout fishing is what I grew up with, and with stream conditions the way they are, I felt a need to check out some old stomping grounds. Like so many…
I must say, it feels good to be back on the water chasing Bass in my backyard. I’ve only been out 3 times since ice out and each time it…
I am happy, no, let me rephrase that, I am completely AMPED when it comes to comparing this week with that of the not so weather friendly previous week. Saturday…
With a late start to the open water season, a few turkey hunting outings, and some variable weather patterns putting together some good early season patterns has been anything but…
As we close out the first full week here in the Pasha Lake Cabins (PLC) corner of northwest Ontario, all I can say is “WOW”. What a week. Mother Nature…
Fish are snapping right now on Lake Pepin, but maybe not how and where you’d expect them to. A few big fish showed up, along with dozens of 16-19” fish,…
Waters up! Well… not exactly high water by Mississippi River standards, but a pretty swift jump from last weekend. Despite the jump in water levels and increased flow, water temperature…
With all of the recent advances in the fishing industry leaving many of us with expensive boats and gear it’s often very easy for us as fishermen to take ourselves…
What a rollercoasters spring we’ve had here in Minnesota with lots of ups and downs as us anglers just hang on for the ride. Prolonged periods of cold weather, snow,…
Well with some open water spots FINNALY starting to show I think I can dust off the open water gear and ready the big tacklebox. Anyway the fast few weeks…
This spring has been by far the slowest start to the open water Northern Pike fishing I have seen in a long time. Water temps in some of the areas…
Pete grunted "Fish on!!!"…I knew the little Paddletail had again seduced a nice Walleye to bite! After a good battle on his LE 63MXF and 6# mono, I slid the…
Well as most of us know winter just will not say good bye this year with more snow and cold temperatures in the forecast it is still going to be…
My annual late March pilgrimage to P-4 started with a nice “thump” on my jig/Moxie combo drifting just inside the current seam. I was with five regular buddies from home…
Not having been on the river nearly as much as I would like to this year it has changed the amount of research I do before every trip. As with…
About a month back I posted how March is ice fishing’s 4th quarter. Well if that is the case April is overtime, and you can bet I am thanking the…
When you think about the end of March in Eastern Iowa, you think about spring and warm temps. When my dad called me this week and told me I better…
I named this a late-ice panfish report almost tongue-in-cheek given a few realities from our trip. First, the Leech lake area is far from “late-ice” with as much as 2…
With Winter holding its grip pretty tight on the western fringe of the ice belt we have plenty of ice as well as snow to go with it out in…