Lake Superior fishing,
I got a call back in July to go out to the Largest Great Lake to do some Lake Trout Fishing, and from my past experience I couldn’t say no !! So Wednesday evening I packed up my bags and started north to meet up with my son in law who was excited to join us on our adventure !! So Thursday morning we jumped in the truck and put the compass on NORTH SHORE and started our journey for 4 days of planer boards and down riggers !!!
Lake trout were found in all shapes and sizes from 4-5 pounders…10-15 pounders all the way up to a 38 incher I fought hard and long for !!! We found Lakers in depths from 40 feet of water to suspended fish over 150 feet of water.. I really do not think one depth was producing bigger fish then another but we did find that certain locations held bigger fish then others. What a beautiful place Lake Superior is… Two things that always amaze me is the clarity of the water and the depths she holds… I know one time we were heading from point A to point B and we were running over 800+ fow !!
I have lots of pix for my digital photo album and a few I would like to share here with you here !! I’ll be the first to admit I do not squat about all the cool Christmas Ornament Spoons we were using but by the end of the trip Josh and I could whip out a mean spread of boards and downriggers !!Some of the equipment we were using that no doubt kept us on fish were the Garmin 7000 series units James has in his Skeeter. The Panoptics is memorizing for one, but the other is you can tell which side of the boat the fish were on and what depth angle contour was under the boat. This was most helpful when running the downrigger cl
ose to the bottom and the ever changing structure, I could keep the ball just above the bottom at all times before the bottom would drop out or get shallow.. This constant attention put the biggest Laker in the boat for me !! Check out the additional photos below.
Oh and that Skeeter 2190 with the 300 Yami Off Shore….. We could not have been more safe unless we were in a Ship or Submarine !!!
Thanks James and Josh.. I have memories of a life time and I can’t wait to hook up again !!