On the Ontario side, we’ve been heading north up by Bishop Bay and Skeet Island to get away from the bugs. Since it’s 64 degrees, rainy and cold here today we’re heading back up there to get out of the weather. We’ll have to fish the currents and see what we can find. As soon as the weather warms up, we’ll be heading to Little Traverse where we’ll be fishing deep reefs which is where the majority of our big fish are found this time of year! Tip: If the wind picks up this spot will turn off, you then have to switch to fishing the current.
On the Minnesota side, we’ve been have good luck on the points near Oak Island which is where we put our fish houses in the winter.
Repeat guest, Michael Law, was back this week and it was like the animals knew we had a camera crew with us as they were all along the banks practically begging us to take their pictures! We saw a fawn and a bear even stood on it’s hind legs and clapped at us! (Pictures coming soon to our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages!)
This is my FAVORITE time of the year to be fishing the NW Angle, we have limited availability but if you are able to make a trip up here you should!
Until next week, good fishing!
Dan Schmidt, Sunset Lodge Manager & Guide