I had the pleasure of taking IDA Field Staff Member Jason Howland (Anchor Man) to the (possibly annual) Sturgeon Excursion for his first time targeting…Sturgeon of course!
Fishing with two or three night crawlers on 2/0 Gamakatzu circle hooks, with 3 oz sinkers, Jason put fish in the boat…and kept putting fish in the boat like this one pictured here.
I have to apologize for the lack of photo’s as inadvertently became Jason’s video camera man while he brought in fish after fish. I brought in fish after his too…but they happened to be Jumbo White and Red Horse Suckers…enough in fact that Ryan, Catten Addicts son and I were neck an neck on taking the title Sucker King! I think there is going to be pleanty of photos following this report to make up for my lack of shutter bugging.
Yes, I admit it…I had my picture taken with ANOTHER one of Jason’s fish! But you know what they say…a good guide always makes sure his guests catch the largest fish!
Over the two and a half day period we fished a number of areas of the Rainy River and it’s tributarys where the enter they Rainy. All seemed to produce fish, some larger than others.
Jason’s 39 lbs night bite sturgeon!
As these fish come in the river to spawn they follow the old river bed which is roughly 30 feed deep. There are some good 40 foot holes that were producing good fish too. As they follow these beds, they keep there noses in the currant much like a salmon…until something like a falls or a dam stops them. These are great areas to fish too.
I know there’s a bunch of photo’s out there just waiting to be posted!
Special Thanks goes to:
Chris Winchester CatdadMN for sharing the awsome fishery with us.
Hooked on Fishing of Rochester for the great price on the worms!
Rainy River’s Wigwam Resort for there clean and very nice cabins. Thanks Cathy!
Jimmy’s Bait out of Stillwater for the Gamakatsu hooks.
Jason Howland Great fishing partner…even if you are a bass guy!
All the IDA members that brought something for the potluck
Pickeral Boy for bringing the CATFISH BEER!