Fishing report Lake Puckaway, Wi.

Well its been a up and down year for water temps on Lake Puckaway. One week we have 54 degrees and few days later its back down to 41 degrees. The drop in water temps slow the fishing down pretty good this spring. But as soon as we have warmer night and sun the temps rise and fish turn on again.

The technique we are using is pretty simple. We are using 1/16 to 1/8th once jigs tipped with night crawlers. Half of crawler always works the best. We ussually find out if the fish are aggressive or not by starting out dragging some of the jigs tipped with crawlers and by also hopping jigs just off the bottom. We found yesterday the bigger fish just wanited the jigs dragging and the smaller walleyes wanted about a foot drop was the key for the short ones. Colors for the day were green and yellow combo and green and orange colors were the best for the day.

We did not start till 1 pm. for the day anf fished till the wind changed directions and shut the fish down for the day. Rod got a big catfish which took for ever to get him in for a pic. and released to fight another day. Overall a great day fishing in the river. Had a good fish fry for the night. For the day we had around 4 walleyes, one giant cat and some sheephead as well.

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Jeff Bennett

Been on Puckaway for 54 years and have fished it year round. Full time fishing guide specializing in walleyes and crappies.

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