Evening bite!

Evening bite!
Pheasant Forecast 2014 By: J.M. Hruby There are few sights in upland hunting as thrilling and colorful as a rooster pheasant heading skyward against the cloudless October blue. With the…
In Depth Outdoors Host’s Pat McSharry and Ben Brettingen take to the Badlands of North Dakota in search of a velvet Whitetail. Prostaffer’s Jeff and Jake Grages head to central…
Ben Brettingen gives the run down on finding waterfowl in fields, and what to look for once you find them!
7 destinations ready to create waterfowl memories in 2014
In the United States, the Red River is often referred to as the Red River of the North to distinguish it from the Red River that is a tributary…
5 Ways to Make Early Goose Opener a Day That Will Live in Infamy
2013 Western North Dakota Whitetail
In-Depth Outdoors TV Host James Holst and Pro-Staffer Joel Nelson hit the ice near Fargo, ND in search of sumo-sized “slough tigers” AKA yellow perch. There’s a lot of great…
The Red River of the North – this one has been on my bucket list for awhile. With a little bit of planning – Alex (Somnio) and Dan (TcCat) were…