Despite the look of disinterest, my son was thoroughly impressed with this Games Lake pike that I caught off the dock.

Despite the look of disinterest, my son was thoroughly impressed with this Games Lake pike that I caught off the dock.
Our son, Ollie, was so proud of his fish. They weren’t big, but the smiles made up for the size, and the fish fry was delicious.
This past weekend I had the chance to get out of the office and get out on the water with a couple good friends – Will Roseberg and Calvin Svihel.…
First walleye trolling
It’s been a little while since my last report and we’ve been catching muskies using several different techniques. It’s been a tricky year in the sense that we really haven’t…
August traditionally is a tough time to get a good bite going for most walleye lakes I fish, but there’s definitely options and ways to get it done. Usually, this…
5 Ways to Make Early Goose Opener a Day That Will Live in Infamy
Mid-summer walleyes can be tough customers, but there are always things you can do to improve your catch rate, even when the bite gets tough. In the inaugural edition of…
Had to chase this one down a little bit to get a picture
-Call me crazy but I love the fight when using light line for big fish. Makes it all the more fun.