Contrary to conventional wisdom one of the most productive times to put the smack down on some hungry walleyes is in the dead of summer. Combining the hot bite with…

Contrary to conventional wisdom one of the most productive times to put the smack down on some hungry walleyes is in the dead of summer. Combining the hot bite with…
The bite on Mille Lacs continues to be excellent. This week I was on the water Wednesday through Friday for the 1st Annual Hunter’s Point Walleye Extravaganza. I teamed up…
Just got back yesterday from a week of pre fishing then fishing the Cabela’s Master Walleye Circuit Tournament on Mille Lacs this past Thursday and Friday. I teamed up with…
I grew up spending 2-3 weekends per year being covered from head to toe in blaze orange while following my dad’s heels around Minnesota and Wisconsin during the month of…
Yep, you’re seeing things correctly….no need to see an eye doctor or run a virus scan on your computer. This is by accounts my first ever catfish report on IDO.…
“Bring a jacket, it’s cold out here,” said fellow IDO Pro-staffer Grant Sorenson. Meanwhile, I’m up the hill wiping sweat from my brow while I got ready to meet him…
It was another great weekend on the Big Pond. I was flying solo so my apologies for the lack of pictures this week (the first is a self portrait I…
Everyone starts their fishing career modestly. Basic terminal tackle, some bait, and a smattering of rudimentary skills with a rod and reel round out much of the early years. Those…
Spending opening weekend on Mille Lacs to my friends and I has been an annual tradition since we were kids. Just like the postal service come rain, snow, or shine…
After two months of open water waiting to start chasing ‘ol Marble Eyes, I’m thrilled the MN Walleye Opener has finally arrived! We opened on Mille Lacs and what a…