Landing a late ice gator

Landing a late ice gator
I spent just about every waking moment this past weekend on the water in search for a number of different species. My main target species were walleye, largemouth and smallmouth…
14.75″ crappie that fell victim to my pug bug/nymph combo last winter… Paired with a Precision Noodle this finesse presentation is deadly for big panfish!
I took this photo while out on a turkey hunt with Grand National Calling Champion Billy Yargus. This coyote got to within 10 steps, and chose to believe his ears, more than his eyes and nose, as Billy poured on the yelps, clucks, and purrs!
This photo is from one of several birds that myself and Grand National Calling Champion Billy Yargus brought into our laps one Minnesota morning in 2011.
This shot was taken sometime in the early 1940’s near Alexandria, MN. My grandpa taught me how to fish, and loved to eat fish like I do. That said, our fisheries are alot different than they were in that day and age, requiring conservation measures to keep more gills like that around. Every-time I see it I’m reminded of what big gills really are, and what we can have if we limit our kill of trophy male bluegill.
This was one of several gills caught mid-June 2014 from it’s bed by my son Micah. Trophy male gills are a vital part of any good fishery and these fish were put back promptly!
Another trophy gill, this one right at the 10″ mark!
My son Isaac sits on a dock in Wisconsin just after a great afternoon bass outing. Everyone has great memories of fishing as a kid, and this day we recreated one of mine.
This trophy gill was from one of the first shows I ever got a chance to work with James on. We were fishing late-late ice near the Park Rapids area, and had a dynamite shallow water weed bite going for big gills. Weeds were the key, get away from the small/isolated beds and they weren’t there!