Green Bay Walleyes ON ICE – In-Depth Outdoors S14 E8

Green Bay Walleyes ON ICE – In-Depth Outdoors S14 E8
In this episode – Pat McSharry joins Paul Delaney in Green Bay during a winter storm to target whitefish through the ice.
This weeks episode takes us to Green Bay in search of post spawn walleyes with Paul Delaney of Late Eyes Sport Fishing.
On this week’s show, James is back on open water, as he joins IDO Prostaff PJ Vick on the Fox River to troll for big walleyes at night!
James heads to Green Bay to meet up with PJ Vick, who has a pretty cool walleye bite dialed in using some new tactics!
James meets up with Paul Delaney in Door County, WI to target whitefish on Green Bay.
On this week’s episode, James joins PJ Vick on the Fox River near Green Bay to target walleyes. With wind chills exceeding 30 below, they hunker down in the Otter Hub and have consistent action all day!
Join James Holst and In-Depth Outdoors Pro-Staff Pat McSharry as they target walleye on Green Bay.
On this weeks episode James heads to eastern Wisconsin to meet up with Jordan Millette to try out wader fishing for walleyes
This week James Holst heads to the Oconto River on Green Bay to meet up with Paul Delaney. They target pre-spawn walleyes staging to spawn.