I remember when I was a little boy; I would wait for my dad to come home from deer hunting just to see if he had shot a deer that…
MN Rifle Opener at the Stenger Ranch 2010
Well as if I need anything extra to get me excited to spend time at Deer camp with my family up on our Ranch in Northern MN. However, this year’s…
Wisconsin archery deer hunt with “Top Heavy”
First off if you are reading this and are not a member of IDO please take the time to sign up. This hunting trip would not have been possible without…
My Late October North Dakota Archery Hunt
Well here is the remainder of my late October North Dakota Archery Hunt. After that first night of Paul harvesting “36” it was going to be hard pressed to find…
A North Dakota Deer Named “36” has left the Farm!
Well, if you read my last report from ND you might remember we had a new buck show up on the food plot two nights after I left there two…