Time With Dad and Game Farm Pheasants

These few past weeks have been a walk through lifetime’s memory lane, along with adding new adventures that are now etched into the memory bank forever. Mom and Dad arrived in La Crosse September 14th and the plans were….play it by ear until they had to make the return trip to Florida October 17th.

I owe my enthusiasm towards the great outdoors to my parents, Dad for getting me out every chance he could whether it be hunting or fishing, and Mom for making sure the time on the water or in the woods never left us hungry, she made the meanest bacon, ham, bologna, or liverwurst N onion sandwich that has ever past these lips.

Mom also made sure once we arrived home after a day on mother natures playground, that the chill would be expelled from are bones with the worlds best chili along with a ton of fixen’s

Back in the day, as a youngster, there were the days when it seemed like all my parents were trying to do is tick me off, or make things as miserable as they could……woo is me But now that the mind has had time to reflect on my punishments and family tangles it is obvious…… everything dealt to me I had coming, and now I’m glad for it. They were doing there best to mold me into a good individual…. this is where you guys kick me now Without a doubt, every grey hair on my parents head has a story behind it

The first couple outings had us on Pool 8 catching Crappies, Gills, Walleyes and Saugers. It was a blast putting Dad on fish and getting him out on the river. It is not hard to see in his eyes that he misses the Mighty Muddy.

Sitting in the boat catching fish and reflecting back on some great stories made are time on the water fly by. It was my turn to return the favor and make sure Dad was enjoying his time being spent on the water as he did for me in my early years. A few times while releasing fish Dad recalled a time when such fish never did get put back in the water, it is cool to see how things have changed through the years, and without a doubt, the sandwiches provided were not too the likings of Mom’s, but they disappeared non the less Anyways, enough about the finned critters, this is the hunting side

The next adventure landed us at Badgerland Pheasant Farm in Westby, Wisconsin after an invite from Dads long time hunting partner Jim and his son Chis. It has been sometime since we have hunted Grouse in the North woods, Ducks on the fly way, Geese in Canada, or the Pheasants of Iowa together, but the one thing that has not changed, Jim still has himself some good dogs to hunt behind.

It was another stroll down memory lane as we sat in the coffee shop and remembered stories from past hunts, almost rolling a truck after a long day hunting pheasants, digging goose pits in the Canada clay, and tricks played on each other during the trips where just a few. After some great laughs, a short video required to be viewed by new comers to the Game Farm (Safety First), and Corky coming back to tell us the birds were released, it was time to hit the field. This hunt was nothing like I expected it to be. It was a good work out following the dogs waiting for them to look birdy before rousing a bird out of the cover.

The lay of the land was different types of tall grasses and prairie running through the rolling hills providing an area for run off between planted corn, perfect bird habitat. These birds got up and booked out once disturbed, I guess I had pictured having to walk up and kick a sleeping bird in the butt before taking a shot at a chicken……not even close. Some of the birds held tight while you had to be on your toes for the birds that flushed at a little farther distance, what a hoot My heart still goes into a rev when a cackling Rooster takes flight

The next trip there might have to include some chucker’s placed in the field. This bird is between the size of a pheasant and a quail. Corky told us they are a faster bird making for a bit more challenge and they taste great.

The experience gave me a whole new out look about hunting these bird farms. What a great way to spend some time with Dad and great friends. Watching dogs cover a field while working on birds, released or totally wild, makes for a great scene while the eyes transfer the images to the head. Wet black labs with mated wet hair and there nose to the ground looking for the next target, what a picture for anyone who respects the workings of a hunting dog. The offering by Game Farms for people that still have the drive to hunt in there 70’s, creates a bird hunt without the hassle of a long drive or the walk through rough terrain…..heck, what a cool opportunity, even for some of us dudes hitting 50 ….and what better way to train young dogs? Badgerland offers a set up just for dog training by setting birds in marked towers. The tower keeps the bird from moving so the hunter knows the location of the quarry which helps assist in the training process.

I’d recommend trying your local bird farm to anyone. I can’t wait to get back!

Everyone was able to shoot a couple birds, 8 birds were purchased and 8 birds were dropped It was a great feeling to put my Ruger Red Label back in action along with watching Dad who still had his game on

Once arriving back to the office Corky was off with the birds and cleaning them up. Sitting at the table, the stories of days past where still being told along with replaying some great shots made in the field on this day. Remembering spending 400 bucks a piece for a weekend in Iowa or double for a trip to Canada made the price of this trip seem like penny’s, the time together in the field once again, and some bonus birds made this trip priceless.

I’m sure there are a ton of you out there that owe your fathers and mothers just as much respect as I owe mine and a big thanks for getting me/you involved with a world in the great outdoors. Spending time together has become difficult now that the parents live so far away but as long as they have been home for the visit we have been trying to take every chance that arises to get out and enjoy each others company while building more memories in the field or at home cooking out.

With there time here for the next couple weeks, I can’t wait to play the next outing by ear

Thanks a ton Mom and Dad for every one of life’s lessons you have taught me

Shoot Straight Hunters


  1. Great outings Bret

    Bringing Dads back into the mix is rewarding beyond words, you wrote it perfectly though

    Glad you made more memories….you’re dad seems pretty cool, A saint no doubt but pretty cool none the less

    You opened up my eyes a little about game farms, you still have to put in the time and effort and still scatter the shot well to knock em down.

    Don’t have any walleye farms up Sparta way do ya

  2. Man, it just don’t get any better then that.

    Awesome report Bret. The ol’ man at that age still getting around the bird field. Contrast on a hunt I’m sure will last forever. Thanks for sharing and reminding us what truly is important.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your report Bret. It really puts things into perspective in regard to family. As we grow older, our lives get so busy with work, raising our children and everything else. It’s so easy to take our parents for granted and before you know it, there’s no time left. Great job on building another shared memory with Dad.

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