What a blast the first day was!!! It did start off slow though, my good friend Todd and I got in our blind on the oak ridge before light and the first two hours went completely event free.
Nothing, not even a cluck from a hen? And this was in my go-to spot where I have shot a handful of nice toms and usually see multiple toms each sitting. So we got in the truck and went to blind #2, only one hen there and very few distant toms were gobbling….so we packed up and moved about a 1/2 mile to(Spot #3) a large CRP field with scattered cedars and pines. Right in the middle we find one tom dancin’ all by himself, he saw us at the same time and took off like a road-runner. We set up again and called without success… so back to spot #2-no birds again.
Getting a little bored we decided to try another spot that is a mix of CRP, hardwoods and pines. We both agreed to lighten up the calling and imitate the hens only – good call! A light purr, chirp and cluck drove the birds crazy, probably 10 birds coming from all different directions. Let’s just say that there are a few lucky toms still running around today.
After all the excitement was over we went back to the oak ridge(spot #1)… It wasn’t two minutes and we had a hen answer the call. She was pretty vocal so we kept her calling till she got in tight, 50 yards behind her was this beautiful tom!! Since it was my turn to shoot I had my buddy keep up with the call and I drew my bow when the tom went behind a big oak. The tom got about 10 yards closer and POPPED out in the middle of my shooting lane. FULL STRUT! My shot looked good but he didn’t go down right away, then after a minute he sat down with his head up. I really didn’t want to get out and chase him all over the woods but I couldn’t get another shot from the blind. Watching his every move in the binocs I snuck out the back side and stalked up to within 20 yards then finished him off.
It’s my best tom to date, sporting an 11 inch beard and 1 -1/16 and 1-1/8 spurs. I can’t believe how the day played out after the start we had, I’d be happy if my next hunt is half as exciting! I have another tag for the 6th season and can’t wait. Thanks for letting me share my story, good luck to all the guys hunting this weekend!
Congratulations Mark on your PB tom!
Sounds like being mobile and hunting the entire day paid off some big dividends in the end! 
Good job, Mark! Way to stick with it!!! Beautiful bird!
congrats on a nice tom mark
shoulda waited untill today to get a b-day bird
happy b-day anyhow
Good job Mark. Nice tom, great story.
Persistance pays off with a dandy bird!
Congrats Mark….a hunt you probably soon won’t forget! And with a bow to boot! 
Congrats on your personal best bird Mark, and good report and pics.
Brad hunt all day is something we should have done today, except I had to get into work.
We had to leave 4 TOMS today as we drove away on a piece we had permission on.

They came back to our side Brad and then one more Tom came across the field just as we tore down again for the 3rd time.
Tomorrow they are
Way to keep at it Mark, and stay active and aggressive definitely paid off for you.
Happy B-Day also!Mark!
Can’t think of a better way to spend a b-day. That beard is a rope and a half. Good work!
Did you happen to weigh it?
Thanks guys!
It weighed 19lbs -11oz….I plugged the #’s into the scoring system you posted and it would score = 63.5625
congrats on the great hunt
… sounds like you had a blast 
Trophy slayer!
Great hunt and story!!
Awesome story Mark! Congrats a dandy tom!