Greeting us on the IDO hunt was NW winds 25-40 and snow! While arriving in the field and getting things ready for the hunt, Bear was out running through the decoys and scared up a single goose that was sleeping in the decoys. Right after getting settled into the pits and getting everthing ready, the first pair came right in on the deck and we whacked them! Another pair came in very soon afeter that and they met there demise! Then another 3 pack dumped right in. Before some of the other people hunting in adjacent fields could get there trucks out oif there fields, we already had 7 on the ground.
The wind did not let up at all and the snow continued. At times it was very difficult to see futher than 40-50 yards. At one point we had a flock of nearly 40 birds fight the wind and snow and came right in front of all the pits and started to land at about 15 yrads. We called the shot and when the dust settled, we ended up shooting 11 out of that flock. Then we laneded another flock of around 30 just at the edge of the decoys. We called the shot and got 5 out of them. All said and done we ended the morning at 10:00 with 26! Off to Brothers Bar & Grille for breafast!
If anyone wants a great hunt, right now is the time! We are really whacking the thunder out of them right now!
PM me if interested. Good hunting!
P.S. Lip, YOU MISSED IT!!!!!
I can confirm Tim’s thoughts on this as I was there! Holy blowing snow!
And when your standing in the pit and from your shoulders up you are getting pelted with snow you sure are happy that your wife asked if you remembered your hood for your jacket (which I had not!
! Not every flock gave us a look (but isn’t that hunting???) but the ones that did payed the price!
Believe me…This is not pass shooting. Tim and his guys wait till’ these birds are committed to landing with wings locked and feet dragging the snow!
Good job Tim
and the talk on the way home was how we could convince the wives to let us head to missouri for some no-limit snow goose hunting in February!
Unbelievable conditions but what a hoot
I’m jealous guys, it sounds like you did it right
Soby, was that Wolfy with you?
what a blast, and no kidding on that. the first pair that came in Tim was a little cranky as only a few of us had loaded up the gun as we were just settling in and Tim was asking who had a loaded gun to shoot. that was pretty funny.
Great trip and comapny. did not get much BSing time in with the wind blowing and quick work we did with the birds.
Definately thinking of late season and also the club we were talking about. Man that was like fishing for sunnies off the end of the dock. pick and choose which ones we wanted.
We also had 1 land in the decoys while we were all out of the pits packing up letting the next group come in and hunt. we had no loaded guns, so Bear tried tracking it down in the decoys and was funny as Bear sat there until the bird turned it’s back on him and he was off like a shot. almost getting there.
Thanks Tim and Trevor for the great day of hunting and the get together Friday night.
wind was blowing so hard could not really take any pictures of the birds coming in.
Bear and Aspen did great on the retreives especially the 11 birds
Yes Jeff, I was a little sharp right away. I new with the warmer temps, the birds would be there very early. We had 7 on the ground before the other groups around us even had there trucks out of the fields.
Sunday was another smash fest Jeff!
No issues on the sharpness. that was what Trevor explained last year, and I have learned from experience… can not shoot a deer from the office (legally anyway) and you can’t shoot a bird whithout shells in the gun. Looks like you guys buried them and sounded like a fun hunt.
yep that was funny that guys were setting up as we were working birds in and putting the
to them.
Tiffany was pretty bummed about not making it. but definately next year if not late season.
Take care and good shooting.
Awesome hunt Tim and Trevor. I sure had a blast… and to be honest I’m 90% sure I took one of the first two birds down, and 100% sure I watched it laying in front of the guide pit for a good 10 minutes, just to be sure it was dead.
Looking forward to the next one already.