Southern MN Late Season Roosters 12.02.07

Well, after four weeks in a row of chasing whitetails in three different states, I knew I had to get my best buddy back out on some late season birds. With the weekends weather forecast, it would seal the deal on the term late season as a wintry mix was forecasted down at the Honey Hole by Madelia, MN. Next to hunting the rut, hunting the late season anything with snow on the ground is my favorite thing to do. So to say I was looking forward to this weekend, would be an understatement.

Sunday came and this trip to Honey Hole, I was joined by fellow IDO Field Staffer Ron Bukovich (Sliderfishin) with his dog Starr and my good buddy Jason with his lil’ pup Maggie. With the snow and freezing mix subsided we were still met with a very stiff 20 mph NW wind. The plan was to attack the food plot from 2 sides as we split up and I started my long trek around to the other side with Rufus by my side. Like usual, I have yet to hit this spot just right as the birds were not piled up where they normally are as I crested a hill and 20-25 birds got up and like normal the 8 roosters I saw just got up just out of gun range. Well it did not take Ron and Jason long as they went the other way and I heard a single blast from over the hill top and knew they must have downed a bird. It was kind of weird most of the birds we flushed on this day did not come from the thick and heavy cover and out of the wind, but more from the thin straggly cover in the wind?? Something we could not figure out with the weather we had and were having goes against our thinking. But, that is why they call it hunting.

After meeting up with Ron and Jason at the food plot, we got our second game plan together as we had 1 bird down and 5 to go. After a few more flushes and a few missed or botched opportunities we planned on making a walk into a quartering wind along a field edge that I believed would pay some great dividens to us. As we get close to the field edge we see another hunter and his dog in our field??? After a brief discussion he was “kind enough” to leave, but not before taking a bird on the way out and kicking up a few more birds, including a few roosters that flew to the next county. So we begin our walk along the field edge and instantly we have bird #2 in our vest. Soon, it was no question this was the right move as the dogs just went on fire and we saw cool flush, after cool point, after cool flush, after cool point. You get the idea and we started to drop da on some of these late season roosters. To see great dog work is always a treat and the main reason I hunt these wiley birds, but to see all three dogs working together as a team is unbelievable. Maggie and Rufus, must of picked something up from Starr as all 3 dogs really started to lock up tight and pin these birds down under their noses. Many memories of this day stick out in my mind. Like, just when I thought Rufus was getting out of position as he was down on the other end of our line from me and starting to not quarter back to the group. Up flushes a rooster right in front of me that Star and Maggie pinned between them and the rooster crosses in front of us as all 3 guns sound and the Rooster folds up in mid air as we watch Rufus do his best impersonation of playing center fielder as he was camped underneath this “Can of Corn”, as the bird landed about a foot and half away from him. Or when Slider starts calling the flushes before they happen. I told Slider that Starr just locked up on point and Slider moves over to his rock solid, locked up dog takes a peak below Star’s nose and informs us it was a hen, before it even flushed. Then comes Maggie who I believe is about 2 years old now and I have hunted with her a few times previous and the last time was opening day this year. Where she did a good job, but to see her work on this day was an absolute treat and the light switch has definitely gone "ON" in that dogs head. WOW!! ………. Or Slider practicing his no shoot and release on a rooster as he tries to shoot his shotgun as his glove is laying on top and across his barrel, blocking his bead at the end of his gun. Then theres Rufus, after I make one of the farthest shots of my life. I walk up on Rufus and I see he has done the Hilly Billy stomp on this Roosters head as he has it pinned down the head by both of his paws and the bird is laying on it’s back with both feet in the air kicking and taking shots with his spurs at Rufus every time Rufus tries to pick him up. Rufus was not a happy camper by the time he got that bird in his mouth and did not want to let go.

As we were headed back to the truck with one bird left to get, our group let 2 opportunities slide by us to fill our bag. Jason had veered off away from Ron and I as he had two dogs working right in front of him as Starr and Maggie pinned down a bird for him. As Jaosn walked up to lokced up dogs, the bird flushed as a rooster erupt from the frozen snowy grass and Jason unloaded his gun only to watch the rooster keep flying. Or as I watched Rufus corner a bird against a field edge and let Slider know to pay attention as Rufus was staring down something right below his nose. Up comes a rooster and for the 2nd time this day a wounded bird flushes and flies low to the ground for 20 yards only to drop back down in the grass running as Slider had no shot due to the low flying bird and the close proximity of my dog. Again similar to the first wounded bird this bird hit the ground running and never found. It could have been the same bird both times, but definitely one that would have been nice to get. So we decided to call it quits early as we all had a blast and a full day of great memories. There was no doubt we found the most birds holding tight, that were in cover adjacent and in close proximity to the cut corn field.

I hope everyone is enjoying their late season hunts and I’m sad to say there is less then a month left to go this season, so get out there and don’t let a little cold bother you because it is not bad as along as you stay walking. This weekend all I wore on top was a moisture wicking long sleeve shirt, my wind proof Rubline jacket and I stayed comfortable and maintained the perfect temperature by regulating it with Gamehide’s Air Flow system. With Gamehide, I stayed warm and dry but still had full range of motion with no binding of bulky clothing when I was walking or trying to draw a bead on a fast flying rooster. Believe me with that wind this weekend, once that bird got up, he left the county in a hurry. Man, Sunday’s views of the iced up landscape from the storm was real cool to view (more pics coming). I’m hoping to get out a few more times this year to chase some birds, but I still have a few deer tags burning a whole in my pocket also. Everyone be careful as the water was not totally frozen in the irrigation ditches down there and the sloughs are still touchy. If you go in it will be cold and wet. Until Next time, be safe and get that Dog out on some birds!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Nice job guys

    I was down and hunted on Saturday in the rain,sleet,snow and WIND. The birds sat very tight for us on Saturday. I had a day that I will never forget behind my yellow. He had a couple of points that were rock solid, and the best part….They were roosters , so I got to kill them. I am heading down for a day trip tomorrow, which looks like we have more snow on the way I love this time of year.

    Hey guys…If you see a truck parked at a WMA, do you still go hunt it or go find another? Just an honest question here

  2. Saturday morning bright and early I packed the truck and was joined by my wife Stacie and my best buddy and we left the house @ 4 am to head South. It was a cold and breezy morning as Stacie and I prepared to do a little deer hunting first and get into our tree stands. Right at first light the nasty stuff moved in as the winds picked up and were blowing a steady 25-30 mph with gusts even higher and to top it of with a freezing mix of snow and rain pelting our faces in blizzard liek conditions.

    See the video below of Stacie enduring some nasty conditions and ONE OF MANY REASONS I LOVE MY WIFE. She is out in these coniditons that would have most men indoors watching football. What a Trooper. Although when the nasty stuff did hit right at shooting light, I did receive “The Look” from her.


    After sitting in the stand on Saturday morning with my wife Stacie and getting a hot breakfast in town, it was time to get our wound up pup on some birds as he was shaking from excitement. Rufus is a seasoned pro at this and he knew what was about to transpire. The weather was down right nasty as the wind was 25-30 mph and the wintry mix of freezing rain and snow was pelting our faces as we started our hunt. The dilemma was should we walk into the wind and not be able to see a thing or to walk with it and not be able to use the dogs nose to our advantage???? The answer I came up with was to walk with a crossing wind. Just like late season birds do, they were flushing very wild this early afternoon and way out of distance. By days end we did find some birds holding and got Rufus out on some birds and some much needed attention. Stacie and I enjoyed the day spending it together and watching our lil’ boy work.

    Here are some more pics from Saturday!

  3. Sorry we did not hook up Bob. Stacie & I made a last minute 3:30 am decision to head down on Saturday. With the crappy weather, I forgot to give you a call. We did ok but found birds not holding all that great.

    I guess to answer your queston I would say depends on how big of piece it is. Just to verify we were on private land with our enocunter of the other hunter.

  4. No problem Rip. I ended up hunting with more people then I had planned on when you and I were talking. I also was much further South, then planned as well.

    Love the photos in the snow.

  5. I also had a video of those 2 bucks sparring, but I was in a hurry and hit the “Delete” button by mistake. It was a cool little segment I wish I still had!

  6. Great report and pictures! That picture of Rufus and the hard fighting rooster would make a great greeting card.
    Your getting close to my old stomping grounds down there.

  7. Thanks Guys!

    Don, I like that pic too, I just wish you could see more of his face or eyes.

    Sippi, I knew you would appreciate it.

    G, Camo????? What Camo?????

  8. We sure had some tired pups on our hands after that trip, Star has only came out of his house once last night to eat. As I took him out tonight for a short run, I opened the kennel door and he stuck his head out took one look and turned around and laid back down. He wanted nothing to do with his nightly run.
    A blast as always, nothing better than watching the dogs do what they love and laughing at both new and old friends. The best story, I think, of the day was Jason and Maggie. Maggie was flushing and pointing like a champ. She was locking up as she got close to a bird, pause and then bust into the cover hot on a birds tail feathers except one. She paused and blew into the cover with everything she had, only to get outwitted by the pheasant. The look in her face was total disbelief when nothing came out. Jason was a little worried as we were about 30 minutes into our trip when he realized that he forgot Maggie’s e-collar but she handled great the entire day.
    Now if we could get Maggie to teach Jason how to shoot

    Jason, it was a pleasure to meet you and Maggie. I hope we get to do it again, soon.
    Thanks again Rob and Rofus.

  9. It was great to get back out in the stand again. Work…it just seems to get in the way sometimes We weren’t in our stand maybe 20 minutes before the gusts picked up and the snow/ice started pelting down…you could literally see the snow storm blow in I can handle quite a bit but this started to wear on me a little The worst part was I didn’t see any deer I just want to at least see something close enough to get a shot off… ..maybe next time.

    Despite the conditions, it was great to get out with my boys. Especially Rufus…he was so jacked up to get out and hunt some birds…don’t know where he gets his drive for hunting from… Like father like son…or something like that

  10. Hi Honey, see you tonight at the airport! Patience Grass Hopper

    Walking back to the truck that day Stacie and I were talking like couples do and she turns to me and says, “Sometimes I think you do this just to test me and see how much I can take.” I replied back and said that, “You are too stubborn to give up anyways”. She just got a little smirk on her face and grinned.

    G, no that is just straight Naked North Camo she has on. It really is a great pattern that blends in well anytime from the leaves drop in late September to when the leaves bud in the spring. I hunted with it in ND, MN & SD and it blended extremely well in each of those varying terrains and cover. I truly believe that is one of the 2 best and most versatile camo patterns on the market. The other is Real Tree AP.

    Slider, a great time with you and Starr as always!

  11. Great report Rob and cool pics! The video of Stacie is priceless! It’s one thing to have our loved ones support us. It’s a whole different level when they are out there with us!!!

    Kudos to you Stacie!!! There are not many other women in the world that would hunt under those conditions! Are you sure Rob is good enough for you???

  12. Quote:

    … It’s one thing to have our loved ones support us. It’s a whole different level when they are out there with us!!!

    …yeah it was nice of Rob to join ME out there…he’s one tough cookie.

  13. Quote:


    … It’s one thing to have our loved ones support us. It’s a whole different level when they are out there with us!!!

    …yeah it was nice of Rob to join ME out there…he’s one tough cookie.

    Smart too I hear!

  14. Rob, I am no hunter but I love reading your reports. They are so informative and fun reading Wow, you sure lucked out with Stacie or is it the other way around It is great you two love to do this pasion together.

  15. Great report Rob! Wish I could have joined you folks. Hopefully yet this season. Slider and I are gonna give it a wack on Saturday in the 0-10 degree weather
    And hopefully we will have something to report. Good luck with the bucks sir!


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