Harvest Chronicles
The big announcement this month from In-Depth Outdoors is the release of a new video series called the “Harvest Chronicles.” The Harvest Chronicles hosted by Pat McSharry and Ben Brettingen…

SD/NE Combo Hunt
One of the best ways to become a good turkey hunter is to hunt new places. Each bird we call at is an individual, yet all turkeys show some of…

Early Season Lessons – State of the Turkeys
I’ve been out quite a bit in the past week and a half, trying to slap a tag on a few Nebraska birds, while also trying to keep tabs on…

MN “B” Season Lightning Hunt
I’ll never forget taking out a first-time turkey hunter almost 10 years ago, who upon picking up his flopping bird less than 2 hours into the first morning’s hunt, had…

Pasha Lake Bear Hunting Report – August 18th, 2012
It’s finally here. What a relief. The 2012 Pasha Lake Cabins Bear Hunting Season kicked off this past Wednesday and it started with a BANG… literally. But, before I can…