I cannot think of a better time to be on the ice than March. Most people are getting ready for the open water season, while I and fellow ice heads…

I cannot think of a better time to be on the ice than March. Most people are getting ready for the open water season, while I and fellow ice heads…
With the ice season coming to an end and the last trips for panfish slow and running small, it was time to change things up. Catching big numbers of fish…
This may possibly be the last ice report for me this season. As I type this, the rain is pouring down in buckets and the temp is well above freezing.…
After spending Saturday indoors listening to the wind howl 30mph+ all day I was chomping at the bit to get back out on the ice, so needless to say I…
Not all bites we fish as anglers are carefully planned, well-thought-out, and perfectly-executed. In fact, most of the more memorable ones are those that we fish on a lark. Caution…