Set out on some fishing trips chasing panfish on the canals on Lake Puckaway the last 3 days. The ice was about 3 inches thick and the first day we…

Set out on some fishing trips chasing panfish on the canals on Lake Puckaway the last 3 days. The ice was about 3 inches thick and the first day we… (click the link above to view the video) The Wigwam Fisherman takes you on another Lake of the Woods adventure on the World’s Best Hard Water Fishery in this… (click the link to view video) The Wigwam Fisherman gets a day off and gives you the first hand report on the World’s Best Hard Water Fishery, Lake of…
Well after having a tough couple days on the ice around the Detroit Lakes area, I was heading north to do some fishing in another great area of Minnesota, which…
9.5 inches of clear ice, clear blue sky, no snow, and HUGE pike, this is how we spent our Sunday. No feeling bad about the Vikings when you show up…