This report will be more of a recap April 4th thru April 11th than what is currently happening on the mighty river. I know James was on the river the…

This report will be more of a recap April 4th thru April 11th than what is currently happening on the mighty river. I know James was on the river the…
Can you say change. That is what has been happening on a daily basis on the river in the last 12 days. Here is a photo of Brad Laabs with…
There is variety of things happening on pool 4 right now. Since my last report the water has risen over 3’ and is expected to rise another 3’-4’ in the…
What a difference a few days and some warm weather can do to a river system in the spring time here in the upper Midwest. If you like high water…
Spring is here! Those big mama eyes are on the move looking for there next meal. Since my last report my boat has seen a series of ups and downs…