OK!! As promised I am going to explain why these H20 jigs have a spot in my tool box of tricks on my guide boat. Everyone has a confidence fishing…

OK!! As promised I am going to explain why these H20 jigs have a spot in my tool box of tricks on my guide boat. Everyone has a confidence fishing…
Mid-summer has arrived. The cicadas are singing, lightning bugs are in the air, passing afternoon showers are the norm, and Lake Wissota has evolved from an early season walleye factory…
The open water trolling bite on Mille Lacs Lake is in full swing and the walleyes are finally into their summer patterns. However, the lake is experiencing tough bite right…
The summer time walleyes continue to bite here on pool 2 of the mississippi. With water temps creeping up and water levels going down the bite is hanging rite in…
A terrific walleye bite at Merritt Reservoir in Nebraska should only continue for weeks to come. I spent four days fishing the reservoir last week and had a great time…