Cooling nighttime air temps and moonlight-filled skies signal two great migrations. One of these is a flood of fat and sassy Mille Lacs walleyes into shallow waters to chase abundant…

Cooling nighttime air temps and moonlight-filled skies signal two great migrations. One of these is a flood of fat and sassy Mille Lacs walleyes into shallow waters to chase abundant…
Six weeks ago I had a chance encounter with a very good friend whom I hadn’t seen in a few years. Working with Mark for 20 years until the proverbial…
With the leaves changing and the temperature dropping most Minnesota sportsmen/women are headed either to their tree stands or Mille Lacs in search of big walleyes that will chase stick…
October Fest is in full swing as GIANT Rainy Lake walleyes are lined up for the parade while marching sigle file directly into the Daze Fish Casket for a little…
You couldn’t ask for much better weather to fish in than these last few days. Light winds, cool temps and plenty of sunshine. This was just what I needed to…