I made the trip from Nebraska to Pool 4 for the second time this year and had a great time fishing with some great friends from IDO. Joining me on…

I made the trip from Nebraska to Pool 4 for the second time this year and had a great time fishing with some great friends from IDO. Joining me on…
I got up this morning at 4:30 and turned on the weather channel to see what the wind was doing…3 MPH I was up and out the door headdin for…
The spring walleye on the Wisconsin river below the Dells dam is getting real close to peaking. Surface water temps are running anywhere from 39 to 41 degrees and plenty…
ROLL ON ICE ANGLERS!! ROLL ON!! I remind you "LATE ICE FISHING" is determined by weather, and not by the flipping of the calendar. Often times anglers are getting caught…
March fishing on Pool 4 is always unpredictable, largely due to the uncertain early spring weather. Saying last weeks bite was tough would be a gross understatement… We got on…