It was great feeling to back back up in the Leech Lake area. It had been way too long between visits. Rigging and jigging for eyes was the game plan…

It was great feeling to back back up in the Leech Lake area. It had been way too long between visits. Rigging and jigging for eyes was the game plan…
Water temperature in Rock river has finally reached that magic 78 degree mark, pushing channel cat into the spawning mode on Rock river and other southern Wisconsin waters Channel cats…
Sorry I am posting so infrequently due to a promotion which requires travel. Anyway, we made the annual foray north of the border. The weather did not cooperate as we…
Yes Bass fishing! With a potential storm moving through the area, my son and I hit the local lake for an evening of casting spinner baits and pitching plastics. My…
A new plastic from Chompers called the Techno-tube may be the hottest thing going this summer–at least on the lower Wisconsin River and a couple of lakes I guide on…