I thought I would try something new and put up a hunting report to go along with all the great fishing reports. I just got back from another great opening…

I thought I would try something new and put up a hunting report to go along with all the great fishing reports. I just got back from another great opening…
Sorry for the delay in a Mille Lacs Lake report, I had some head scratching issues getting logged into a remote computer and staying logged on…..long story. Here is my…
How’s that old saying go? “The best laid plans…..” That was what happened to us last night. Jeff ‘Haywood04’ ventured south from Winona to join me for what I was…
How does the saying go? Red skies at night means sailors delight. Now does this mean that there is going to be good fishing or just good weather? All I…
I awoke early this mourning thinking I was going to go harvest some ducks boy was I wrong I think the ducks forgot that they are supposed to fly south…