Green Bay Walleye Fishing
Well my apologies to all who have not seen my presents in a while but things have just been so crazy busy it is very difficult to find time to do much more than sleep and eat outside of fishing. I actually just did something I said I would never do and that was hiring someone to cut my grass I take great pride in cutting my lawn but just no time now. Anyways lets talk fishing for a bit the walleye fishing definitely has had its ups and downs mostly due to very inconcistant weather we have mainly been dealing with colder weather out of the north with a few days of warmer weather out of the south but just can not get any stability with the weather.
The water temps in the lower Bay have been a bit warmer than further up in the bay but we have also had some water clarity issues down there from time to time depending on run off from rain. We have been finding a better bite for us down in the lower Bay trolling both crankbaits along with crawler harnesses but lately crawler harnesses trolled slowly tight to the bottom have produced best due to fish not being that active with cooler than normal water temps. The walleyes really have been picky on color choices lately from day to day so we have had to experience with colors a lot to find what works best from day to day or hour to hour but when we find that right color or depth that will produce most fish.
Moving further up the Bay I have been spending much more time casting for the walleyes here we have much greater change in depth close to shore where some days the walleyes are in shallow water and on other days the walleyes will be much deeper this usually is dependent on the wind and wind direction we will generally have a better shallow water bite if we have an on shore wind direction pushing warmer water in and on days with less wind or no wind the fish become less active and will hold off in deeper water. With warmer weather sure to come soon the walleye fishing through out the Bay will only get better so bring on some warmer weather and I will be sure to keep some new reports coming.
Paul Delaney
Late-Eyes Sport Fishing

Green Bay Walleye Fishing