Every year in March the walleye spring run starts. The big 10,000 acre Lake Koskhonong holds a good population of walleyes that go up the Rock River to spawn. With water higher than normal and current so fast that it makes you feel like you just learned how to use a trolling motor means great walleye action this year. To see how I caught walleyes like this one in this picture click View below.
The conditions were lot different than the last couple of years. The year 2002 and 2003 the river conditions were low water and no current. This year water is lots higher and current is fast. The first time out I fished like last year and in the same spots with no results. So now I knew I would have to do some home work to figure out where the walleyes would be holding in these different condition that I’m not use to. I thought the best place to do my home work would be right here on in-depthangling.com. So when I called out for help guess who came to the plate? Dustin which he hit a big home run with some great adive to help me and it worked to catch walleyes and saugers like this one. Thank You Dustin
Dustin gave me lots of tips and techniques to try and on this day I stayed with a vertical jigging technique on current breaks and eddies. While all the other anglers were out in the deep holes and fast current and not catch much. This day I found the current break down from a feeder creek and right on sharp bend in the river next to deep water that was 13 to 15 feet deep. The current break was at 9 fow and they were stacked there. It was kind of funny because I was using my trolling to go with the current and everyone else was using there trolling motor to slip the current to slow them down.
I missed the first couple of bites then I put a stinger hook on and that’s all she wrote. That’s how I caught all the fish in these pictures. With out a stinger hook I would not had any pictures to show. All the fish were CPR on this day and the color of choice was of course the glow/green. The jig I used was the 3/8oz Zone-R nuckle ball jig made right here in the good old USA by the Fin-tech Tackle Company. I didn’t catch no real big fish this day but I only fished three hours. These fish were all about the same size around 16 to 18 inches. I didn’t have a chance to try plastic but I will next time. I can’t wait to try a ringworm or k-grub next. Water temp was at 36 to 38 this day. So anglers if you get a chance make sure you stop at the Rock River by Fort Atkinson WI and give it a try. I also heard they are starting to get walleyes at the Jefferson dam now. Until next time be safe and take a kid fishing.
PS. Oh yeah I did get one catfish.
nice report
Nice report Jeff! I’m envious…we got 31″ of snow last Fri-Sun.
I hear those “forked tail” eyes are good eating!
Thanks Tom & Mike, Mike I should make it out for a few hours Saturday and Sunday after 3:00.
Tom havn’t tried the husky jery trick yet but I will.
Nice report Jeff. We finially got enough water down here in the Rock to get to one of my favorite spots below the dam. The flow is just around 11,118 cfm, but I’m use to the fast current that we have here on her. I’m going to give it a try sunday and I’ll let you know how things go.
Thanks Tony good luck Sunday.
Nice looking eaters Jeff.
Thanks Derek, your right they are the ones anglers should eat but I let these guys go back home because I was press for time and had to go to work right after fishing. I’ll keep some of these size fish this weekend if I can fine them after this cold front. Any tips?
My river knowledge is limited. I would see if those fish are on the same break, if not, check deeper?
Thanks Derek, I fished the same break yesterday with no results. I’ll try deep today.
The Rock claims another prop. They don’t call it the Rock for nothing.
Was out yesterday afternoon at blackhawk. fishing was good until trolling motor took a crap. Managed to box one fat 19in. sauger thou. 9.0′ to 13.0′ fow
Rat you got to watch out for those rocks.
I know what you mean my prop has hit a few. But when I hit the rocks it tears the blades off. 
Wallyliner thanks for the report, sorry to hear that your trolling motor went dead. What were you using to catch those walleyes? You have any techniques you would like to share?
Shur Jeff, was use chartreuse or oranges “ZONE R”
my brother was use an orange twister, I was doing fine without one. Boxed 5 between the two of us today and they tasted mighty good with tater wedges
going out tommorrow morning tight lines to all!!!! hope to see ya
Nice report Jeff! Glad to hear there is some water coming down the Rock. It has been so low in this area for the last year you could walk across most anywhere! Keep the reports coming
. I sure wish it was that easy! Did ya get any fishing in before the prop popped?
Tony, you gotta go around those rocks instead of over or through them
Well Guys I am glad to see some folks are able to get out and tie into some nice eyes. A question, where can I get a hold of some of those knuckle ball jigs. I am always game to try something new.
Thanks, and hopefully I will have something to post after the weekend.
Good to hear from you Diesel, it’s time to fish. This is the website to get the Nuckle Ball jigs. Get some glow/green Zone-R’s Nuckle ball jigs to 3/8oz work great. http://www.fin-techco.com
Diesel, They don’t carry the zone R’s.but the shell station in newville carry the nuckle balls
There right next to the cash register on the counter as you walk in…
By the end of the week you can get the nuckle ball jig, Zone-Rs, Day-Brites, Nite-Lite and Kits for all theses jigs at Barth Hardware store in Fort Atkinson. There getting a nice display kinda looks like this, well not that nice.
Thanks for the help. I ordered a box online yesterday but in the meantime can anyone provide directions as to how toe get to the hardware store in Fort. I come from MKE area into Fort using Hwy 26. I am stoked to get on the water for the first time. I am way behind in my fishing due to a great new job.
Also are the docks in at Kmart or downtown fort. I can’t recall if it was mentioned in the previous posts. I usually fish by myself and you know what that can mean when you launch in currrent. 
Thanks folks
Diesel the dock is not in at K-Mart yet but downtown Fort it is. To get to the hardware store which I hope he has the display up by the weekend, I’ll check Thursday afternoon on my way to work. To get to the hardware store when you come to the first stop and go light go straight instead of turning to get to downtown launch and it’s right on your left pass Goodyear and next to KFC. He has great bait at a great price also.
Thanks again. Now off to get the boat ready.
Fished from Fort atkinson to Koshkonong. Not much happening today. I tried minnow and crawlers on jigs and river rigs. I guess I am just out of practice or I just don’t know what the heck I was doing today
. I may give it another try tomorrow if the weather is decent. It sure was cold out today. Any body have any luck today? There sure were alot of boats out. I hope someone found fish.