Tippery point at Lake Wisconsin , Wi.

We were out chasing saugers on lake Wisconsin at tippery point on thursday and back on friday. Tippery point is located at the mouth of the river where the Wisconsin river dumps into the lake. The lake is located just north of Madison which is the capital of the state. One of the landings is open at tippery point and is good shape to use. There are a couple of more landing up river by Hookers resturant and bar that are open also, these 2 landing are in a good shape and the area is good for fishing but with high flood last fall the river can change the sand bars some and trees were floating down the river as well last fall. So the landings at tippery make it a lot safer day for sure. As far as water flow conditions the Wisconsin Dells opened up all the gates on tuesday and reports of the Baraboo river on this sat. they were predicting it to be at floodstage.

The fishing started out well with the first two passes we tried we had 3 legal saugers in the live well. We were fishing what some of us call the flats at the mouth of the river. On this flat area there is a troth of deeper water of 16 to 18 feet of water depending on the the flow stage of the rivers that are above this area. For the jig set-up we were trolling up river into the current, they were set up with either 1/4 to 3/8 once jigs tied on a 3 foot leader from a barrel swivel used as a dropper and also from the barrel swivel on the top part of it a 1/32 once jig tied with a foot leader. One pole was rigged like this and the my other rod just had a plain jig with plastics or a hair jig works also. All the jigs were tipped with fatheads or night crawlers. All rods were long lining to make sure we had contact with the bottom at all times. So my buddy and I had two poles out a peice for our presentations for the day. The pole with the double jigs went into the rod holders and we jigged the single pole with the one jig.

It was a great day out fishing with a great freind Roger. We saw a pair of loons on the water and at one time we counted 6 bald eagles and had one about 40 yards circling above us. The wind was in our favor for the day and it was sunny all afternoon.

From Jeff

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Jeff Bennett

Been on Puckaway for 54 years and have fished it year round. Full time fishing guide specializing in walleyes and crappies.


  1. Tipperary was always one of my favorite spring time sauger spots. This year, it’s just been to many places to fish and not enough time to get to all of them.

    Nice report Jeff!

  2. Nice report Jeff. I like the 3-way rig your pulling. Have you tried any walleye flies in Lake WI on the upper line? I like that tactic very much for the Wolf river and pending boat traffic on the Fox. It’s a great search method!

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