Pool 8 Walk About

Doldrums of winter? Cabin Fever? When these words are heard by an Icehead the definition takes on a different meaning. Most Iceheads hear “Flat Butt and Couch Potato” when the above words are spoken!!
A 3 mile round trip had me in my glory today and, not once thinking winter bites. After blowing through a community hole the walk just started. The first destination at 1.3miles was a sand point dropping into 30fow. Better yet, the area has some current pushing up on it which should make for active fish. After crossing the first island encountered it was just like someone turned the quite up The StrikeMaster Glide-Lite had a sound to it while sliding along that helped set a pace. The only disturbance was the crunch of wet snow under foot and sparrows in flight moving through the trees. Doldrum…….I don’t think so, no one in sight and there was no anticipation of seeing anyone on this trip

First destination reach and the first thought through my head….wow, your getting old The layering of cloths was light but the hoody was just a tad to much and had to go. After a swig of Gatorade the Lazer Mag was lit and drilling holes from the top of the sand bar at 8 feet out towards the drop at the end of the point putting 30 feet between bottom and top.
With prayers of finding an eye or two in the area the first bait dropped was a 5/16oz Silver Glow Slender Spoon tipped with 2 Gulp Minnows on the top of the bar. Right off the bat a mark was pulled and the bait was hit by a 10 inch bass that thought he would only have to eat once today. With no other targets appearing the same bait was worked out to the point. It was at 22fow that more marks started to approach from the bottom. Every now and then there would be a tapped attempt at the over sized spoon but nothing violent. It was then a 3/8oz Blue/Silver Foil Lightning Spoon tipped with a minnow head was dropped and offered to the short hitters. To my surprise the spoon was attacked 2 foot off bottom making for a dandy perch coming topside The point ended up producing 7 beautiful orange fins while a number of 9 inch perch kept the entertainment level high during the sorting. The bite died off around noon but that was ok…..the trip just began

Still walking away from the starting point another .2 miles placed me along an undercut bank with 12fow along the edge dropping into 20fow, with all of the area holding wood. After cutting a dozen holes and another slug of Gatorade the lightning spoon was dropped hoping maybe some paper mouths would like the offering as much as the bottom dwellers had. Two marks were pulled with one sniffin’ hard but not making the commitment. After changing up to a #6 Fire Tiger Demon jigging Spoon the mark was still present on the LX-5. The drop was made 1 foot short of the target which raised the fish and finally, a 11.5inch white speck committed suicide. After bouncing around and not finding near the activity hoped for, 3 crappies were added to the bag. It was break time, pictures were taken while thinking about the next move. A little time was spent enjoying what was becoming another fun adventure, Cabin Fever….I laugh in it’s face!!!
Going on 2:30 the plan was to head back towards the truck and make a stop in some shallower water targeting the Blue Eared finned critter. This would give me a good hour and a half of fishing before the need to head for the truck.

Arriving on the shallow water spot holding some sparse weeds it was evident someone had fished it not to long ago. Not loosing any confidence in the spot a Frog Gill Pill tipped with a waxie (my go to this year) was lowered towards bottom. The set up produced one 6 inch perch and bass after another, there was no getting away from them. Just as it was time to call it quits….bang, a gill just short of 8 inches thought it was time to feed. Shortly after, another decent gill. All in all 3 gills were added to the ever growing fish fry during this walk about
It was hard to leave but the time had come to head on back. While retreating towards the truck the peepers and mind stayed in tune with each other gathering as much of the outing as they could. The weather cooperated along with some fish only to be added to the enjoyment of the sights and sounds winter has to offer on the river. You won’t find this stuff watching TV waiting for spring. Trips like these do the body and mind some good.
Bored????….not this dued, I hate knowing that winter will be coming to an end.
This walk about was made possible by down sizing. The Glide-Lite and Stone Legacy rod bag were the right combo for an easy pull and back pack while hoofing it across islands and ice.

Get out and enjoy it before it’s gone, good luck fishing Iceheads

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  1. Nothing like making a solo trip to the quiet waters Bret. I could tell just how much you appreciated it. Nice fish and great report

  2. You Da Man Bret.

    I suppose next on your list will running a marathon.

    If you want to show me that spot I’d haul us on the ATV

  3. Best report yet Brett! Remote bites are always more interesting, let alone rewarding. Even when the fishing isn’t good, it’s an excuse to read and learn new water. You did really well back there however, and I loved the mix of species you caught.

    Like most things hunting and fishing, the critters are there for those willing to sacrifice the time and energy to get back to them!



  4. Awesome report! glad you had some success! walking longer distances makes the fish you catch so much more rewarding!

  5. Quote:

    If you want to show me that spot I’d haul us on the ATV

    I have a better offer. I’ll pull you on a toboggan. I just need to finish installing cup holders.

  6. Nice stuff, Bret. And I wouldn’t welcome yahbuddy too much. I welcomed him about a year-and-a-half ago and he just won’t leave!

  7. As a fellow Ice head these trips seems to re-energize me during the winter blues whether I catch a fish or not. Great read….

  8. Quote:

    Best report yet Brett!

    I’d have to agree. Great read Bret. It’s past my bedtime and I still couldn’t stop reading. Good stuff

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