Naifc Pelican Lake

Had a great weekend up at Pelican Lake! Minus the cold weather and the wind, everything was awesome! From the get go, with Pat Smith giving a seminar on the latest and greatest of rods, gear and etc. With a great meal put on by the local restaurant.

Saturday afternoon fishing was much like pre-fishing. Lots and lots of fish. 20-30 fish an hour was not out of the norm. Just windmilling fish. Downside was alot of them in the 5-8 inch range. Not good enough.

Tournament day came and went just like any other day. An early start, stand in the cold to go and then go fish for a few hours. We were working on a weedline in about 9 feet of water. We were upsizing our original 16 fish by 9 am. So we we had the limit now it was hoping to fill as many 9.75 to 10 inch gill and crappies over 11.5. We didnt cull enough but we ended catching a bunch of fish. I know I can say I touched an easy 100 fish in the tournament hours. I was using a bug style bait with a J&S Paddle bug and ice mite in pink and glow red.

The other hot bait was a Glow red skeeter jig with a glow red ice mite jig.

Weigh in was a lot of fun. Got to meet some great people and wait to see who went where. We ended up taking 8th place out of over 70+ teams in the field. A little disspointed Juan and I were, but at the end of the day, we cashed a check and qualified for the National Championship next year so in that aspect it was a huge success.

Lonnie Murphy our rod shop manager won the event winning by over .75 pound to second place! Congrats! So the two thorne teams that entered both had top ten finishes!

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Born and raised in the waters and in the woods. Love every second of it and enjoy helping and teaching others!


  1. Great job Chris and Juan…you guys put the time in to find some great fish, and it panned out….goodluck at the Championship next year…something to look forward to…

  2. Quote:

    Was this at the Pelican Lake in St. Michael?

    that was my question……there are a couple that i know of.

  3. Quote:


    Was this at the Pelican Lake in St. Michael?

    that was my question……there are a couple that i know of.

    Yep the Pelican in St. Michael/Monticello area.

    Congrats to team Thorne Bros.

  4. Quote:



    Was this at the Pelican Lake in St. Michael?

    that was my question……there are a couple that i know of.

    Yep the Pelican in St. Michael/Monticello area.

    Congrats to team Thorne Bros.

    X2 – Nice work guys. Great to see both team do so well, and thanks Chris for some insight as to how those tournaments work!


  5. Quote:

    Nice work. Ought to sell some product. You on board as sponsor???

    Say what? Not sure I understand. I have no affiliations to any electronivs company, ice houses, etc. I promote one company just will not here in respect to a paying sponsor here.

  6. Quote:

    Nice work. Ought to sell some product. You on board as sponsor???

    I might be wrong but I think he meant is Thorne Bros a sponsor of the tournament?

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