Square Tailing it!

After closing the store this evening I hit the pond in search of some square tails! So unloaded the solo, a quiverstick and the lx 5 hoping to catch the evening low light bite. Got lucky and after getting a tip from a nice guy I got set up and it was game on right from the get go.

I walked about 20 feet off the shore into some brush and not knowing the depth, the thickness of the ice or if it was really gonna work or not and hoping to not screw up my auger by burying into the mud and the branches…I gave her a go anyways…

Was sitting on top of the ice it was about 4 feet to the bottom of the ice with 16 inches of ice…talk about skinny water! Downsized to a small red glow jig and a finesse plastic in glow blue and got down to it!

No story is complete without the one that got away. I watched a nice brookie come in and take the bait. Set the hook and the fight was on with that fish. Playing in the branches is always a risky move but can pay off. Some how the 2 pound p line held up with all branches it was wrapping itself around got it back to the hole. After a botched attempt to land it. It went straight to the bottom and wrapped itself up. So I made a stab to just muscle it out after doing everything I could and ended up snapping the line. Wanna see something gut wrenching is watching a nice brookie give ya the fin after a long battle!

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Born and raised in the waters and in the woods. Love every second of it and enjoy helping and teaching others!


  1. Great fish Chris. Been a while since I have fished over there. Do you need a trout stamp to fish that lake?

  2. Awesome! Those brook trout are a fish not very many people get to enjoy! Any oh boy do they fight! I remember when i was younger we had a gold mine of a brook trout lake and we would pound them all day long and your arm was very sore after wards. Which reminds me….maybe i should check that out again

    Congrats again on the brookies, they sure are one pretty fish!

  3. Awesome! Those brook trout are a fish not very many people get to enjoy! Any oh boy do they fight! I remember when i was younger we had a gold mine of a brook trout lake and we would pound them all day long and your arm was very sore after wards. Which reminds me….maybe i should check that out again

    Congrats again on the brookies, they sure are one pretty fish!

  4. Beautiful fish that fight well, what more could a guy ask? Thanks for sharing the story and the cooking shot…..it’s been too long since I’ve had some brookies to eat!


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