Metro Muskies In the Snow

Steve and I hit the water/ice on Wednesday afternoon just as the snow storm came into the metro area. It was a beautiful day with big snow flakes falling and a big muskie falling into my Ranger one last time this season. Steve’s first muskie ever and new PB @ 48 inches. Congrats Buddy!

As Steve and I were driving out to the lake we were talking about the fact that this just may end up being a truck ride to the lake, simply to turn around and come back home, everywhere we looked things were froze up, lakes and ponds were shore to shore ice. As we pulled into the access all we could see was snow covered ice out to the first point leading to the main part of the lake. This was not going to work, the ice was a good 3-4 inches and I was not going to break that with the boat. Steve and I walked around on the ice a little and we actually talked about the fact that we could be ice fishing in this bay and here we are with the boat attatched to the truck. We got back into the truck and decided we had one more access to check out but our hopes were not very high after seeing all this ice on the lake. I sent this photo to my buddy Max telling him the lake was locked up and things did not look good. His response- that he was having a moment of silence to honnor the muskie Gods. Minutes after I got Max’s text back we pulled into the other access to find the lake was open enough for us to get the boat into the water-HELL YES, were gonna fish today!!!

Steve and I slid down the access and into the water, boat’s wet and were happy as can be, until we try to get up the access with the truck and trailer, NO GO- After about 30 minutes of messing around we finally made it up the access and into the parking lot. Were going fishing is all I could get out of my mouth, getting back off the lake may not happen, we will deal with that later. I sent Max a text, "were on the lake and I am gonna need some help later". Steve looked at me once we started trolling and said were gonna catch a fish today. I love the positive outlook and I have to admit, things felt right. As we trolled around the lake we talked about how things would go if a rod doubled over. I told Steve the first one was going to be his and his it was!

As darkness started to fall and the snow continued to full up the boat we both were in disbelief when the bait clicker started to sing. We were running a black and silver Grandma in the propwash and that’s the rod that got smoked. IT’S A FISH- Steve pulled the rod from the holder and I slowly dropped the Opti out of gear, the drag was still singing as we both saw this big fish surface. I grabbed the net and crawled to the back of the boat waiting to slide the bag under Steve’s first muskie. It did not take to long and we were looking down at a beautiful 48 inch fish, Steve’s 1st and I don’t think it will be his last. After a few quick photos Steve set her free, as we watched her swim away it was still snowing and the surface of the lake was as calm as glass, it was AWESOME. A few high fives, a cheers to the muskie Gods with a ice cold Molson Ice and we were trolling again. The rest of the night was uneventful until we got back to the boat landing. I will spare you the story of getting the boat back out but it was 30 minutes of fluster cuck-

Congrats Steve on a beautiful fall Lunge. I am glad I was there to share the experience and net your first one. Next summer lets see if we can hit the water a little earlier in the season.

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Bob Bowman

Set the hook!


  1. Quote:

    What a way to end the season! You’re going to go from boat to ice house in the span of about 3 days.

    We got a big fire cooking at the access, I should be able to melt enough ice to get the boat in or at least drink said ice

    If this was how the season ends, it could not have went out on a better evening with a good friend

  2. Thanks again bud, I had a blast.

    Thanks for not posting the pic where I looked like had just seen a ghost. I hope the after fishing consumption of Molsons of that quantity only applies to a guys first lunge.

  3. Quote:

    Thanks again bud, I had a blast.

    Thanks for not posting the pic where I looked like had just seen a ghost. I hope the after fishing consumption of Molsons of that quantity only applies to a guys first lunge.

    By the way, those were Max’s beers you drank and you owe him thanks for the headache on T-Day

  4. Very cool report Bob and kudos to you and Steve for battling the elements! You certainly were rewarded for your troubles getting in and out of the lake!

  5. WOW!! Thanks for Bobs “EXTREME” muskie report.

    Way to lay the hooks to the last one of the year, dedication put another great looking fish in your Ranger.

    Great season Bob with a ton of great shots to boot.
    See ya on the hard water.

  6. Awesome way to end the season Bob…Congrats! For those who still want a shot at a last minute fish, Harriet and Calhoun are still open. Fished Harriet yesterday for the last hurrah and only managed two mid 30’s follows. Packed the boat up today.

  7. Game Over for this kid

    This was a great year for a number of reasons. Some great times were had on the water and some new PB’s hit the net. My good buddy Max scored a beautiful 48 incer early in June and then topped that fish with a fat 51 late this fall, Congrats Bro
    I also got to share the boat with my neighbor Nick a few times and had the pleasure of netting his new PB at 46 inches. I also got to net Steve’s first at 48 inchs. My good buddy Cale also scored his new PB at 51 inches. In September I boated my biggest tourny fish at 48 inches. I boated my first tagged fish this year at 46.75 inches. A few weeks later from the same lake I doubled up with a 45 incher and a 48.5 incher. 2 photos here are Cisco eaters from a trip I will not forget for a very long time. We hit the fall migration of Ciscos on the rocks just right and the fish were fat. The last 2 photos are of a fish I named Brokeback and I boated him 2 times this year, catch and release at it’s finest. All these great times on the water this year and some darn nice fish to boot but what really made it specail for me was………….

  8. Sharing the boat with my son Alex. We had a great year, he learned how to huck a baitcaster and he boated some darn nice pike along the way. We came “Oh so close” to putting his first in the bag on 2 different trips but both fish came off just prior to the net. I can’t explain in words how proud and happy I am to share these kinds of tips with my son. I love watching him learn and explore a sport that I love. We share a common bond outside of our regular family life which brings us even closer together as father and son, for me thats what it’s all about.

    Lovin life

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