Mississippi Pool 8 Panfish Report

Is it just me or anyone else realize some mornings come faster than others? With an open water season of hit and miss this year the drive for jumping up out of bed at 4am just isn’t as strong as years past with a hot bite going on. Maybe it’s that there is another year logged on the body and a matured mind just makes a guy want to slow down some? Well I know a guy who is going to be doing a study on this question, maybe if we show enough interest this old dude could get a government grant and find the answer for us. But for now back to fishing.

Mike’s boat was loaded with gear and bait for every critter that swims and we headed for a spillway after hearing word of a good crappie bite a few days ago. It didn’t take us long before we knew, it was us falling into the old saying “you should have been here yesterday”
After throwing minnows into wood, along weed edges and drifting the abyss for suspended specks I lost my patience and began tossing artificial baits looking for a larger quarry. I found a short bass willing to pounce on a senko for a short time of excitement. Mike however switched gears and started tossing red worms mounted on a white jig. Next thing I know the wise old man was peaking my curiosity with gills splashing around behind the boat. Noticing most were around 6 inches I kept on flailing my baits along structure hoping for that one big bite, that is until I here from the back of the boat…”here we go” Mike landed a respectable gill and placed it on ice. Shortly after there was another and then another stirring the ice in his cooler, he had found the secret for the bigger gills and it was time I joined along and tried to help sort some of these tasty specimens out myself

Mike’s bait was hangin’ 2’ under his bobber and the rig was placed tight to a green weed edge that had current sweeping up against its 4-5 foot drop. The bigger gills were hangin’ tight together in one spot, a bait placed left or right produce the 6inchers and some watch fobs. Not wanting to cut off my buddy I pretty much kept some smaller fish entertained while getting schooled from the magic man. After pulling some nice fish from this spot the pannies kept getting smaller. Mike said lets head west to another area we fished earlier not even thinking about catching gills. This place was on fire and the sweet spot was much larger. Thanks for letting me get into the game Mike However, the old salty sea dog still had the hotter stick, thanks for the lesson buddy

Even with the high water the fish are relating to current. Mike found the key to a successful day buy sticking to the plan for panfish, constantly changing baits, fan casting a couple weed edges, and locating the bigger blue ears where the current pushed into the weeds. My success today was only because of a good partner in the boat
Thanks buddy

Good luck fishing people

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  1. Oh….almost forgot…. NOT


    Well I know a guy who is going to be doing a study on this question, maybe if we show enough interest this old dude could get a government grant and find the answer for us.

    Congratulation to my long time Friend and fishing Partner

    Our own IDO family member Mikehd turned in retirement papers last week. After 37 plus years of service he is getting the break a lot of us are working for! Mike’s last day at work is Aug. 12th…lucky sons-a-gun Get ready to attack the honey do’s

    I wish you the best retirement ride every Buddy Mike Work is going to be long days without you.
    And by the way…..I will expect to be on fish from here out Scout

  2. Great report fellas. Sorry I missed out. About an hour after I talked to you, my stomach started feeling not so great and stayed that way until I went to bed. I guess I just needed to sleep in.

    Congrats to you Mike on the retirement.

  3. Nice gills guys & congratulations on the retirement Mike!
    Hope it’s a long and fruitful time filled many great fish stories.

  4. Hey Mike !! Congrats on the retirement !!!

    I’m sure with Brett around you will not be bored !!

    stay busy my friend !!

    Great job on the pannies guys

  5. Great job on the gills fellas! The panfish bite was excellent down this way all week-end too.

    Best of luck with the retirement Mike. 37 YEARS!? Wow, you’re alot ………….never mind No excuses now my friend, you should have plenty of time to make occasional scouting runs south of pool 8


  6. 37 years is a long time! Congrats Mike!
    Here’s a big ole IDO

    Nice gills too ~ but I didn’t realize Clark’s fingers were so small

  7. Congrats on your retirement Mike!! I’m sure that is bad news for the Pannies!! Nice looking gils boys!! I bet they made for a nice fish fry!!

  8. As always Bret great report and day on the water.

    Thanks guys for the congrats. I am really looking forward to, spending more time on the water, hitting pool 4 again, traveling to new areas ‘south of pool 8’ and just not working. at least for a while. I thought this would lead to a less stressful life but Bret keeps telling me that from now on he expects we should never have another bad day on the river with all the time I’m going to have to scout. That and ever since I announced it I keep hearing this voice at work and from the front of my boat saying “you bast- – d”! That’s because he won’t have anyone to pick on at work now.

  9. Thanks Bret and thanks Mike, great report as always Bret…you guys look like you really have a ball out there. And now Mike will have more time to find em… good deal. Good information and pics, thank again.

  10. Your loyalty to your work is noteworthy. Best of luck in the next phase of life. Do what you want and let the chips fall where they might. If Bret is busy and you need a netman, I’m game!

  11. How did I miss this entry. Good luck and good health. I spent 35 years at one job; I know how feel.

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