A Flugtag Weekend on Pool 2.

Another great weekend on the river in the Twin Cities and the fish keep biting. Not even 90 thousand people at a Red Bull Flugtag can slow the walleye bite down. Ill talk more about that in a minute.

Friday afternoon my neighbor Mike jumped in the boat with me for some last minute scouting for Saturdays trip. Putting the boat in at St Paul Park my 1st thoughts was where did all the water go. River levels look to be back to there normal mid summer level. What is nice is that the flow still seems to be up a little. This equals nice conditions for finding hungry walleyes. Prime wing dam fishing conditions.

It didnt take Mike and I long to find hungry fish on the dams. Casting crank baits seemed to be the ticket with jointed cranks preforming very well. Mike kicked my but for numbers with a jointed grapler shad but I still got the 2 biggest fish of the evening on H20 jigs tipped with crawlers.

Saturday morning Ejay, Cesar and Brandon joined me for a day on the river. The day started out pretty calm on the river and pitching to our 1st few wingdams was fairly easy. Even with the luck we had the evening before on crank baits I had the feeling that crawlers might shine in the morning. Brandon and Cesar started with cranks on the 1st dam with nothing to show for it. Ejay in the front of the boat got going on crawlers and quickly was about 4 to 5 walleyes up on the other guys by the time I got them changed over. The 1st photo is of Ejay and a nice healthy walleye he took on that 1st dam.

After burning threw our 1st dozen crawlers it was off to our second wing dam and it was turning to about mid morning by now. It didnt take long on this dam to see the crawler/jig bite was fading and it was back to crank baits. Think we caught one or two on this dam with crawlers but Cesar casting cranks from the back of the boat got to experience a pair of quality fish and what they will do to a crank bait worked down the tip of a wing dam. Very nice fish Cesar.

After our second wing dam it was getting to late morning and the boats where really showing up for the days Flugtag events in Downtown St Paul. For those of you that are not familiar with this it is where they launch large homemade flying contraption off a high ramp over the river and see who fly’s the farthest. It sounded like 40 thousand where expected to show for this. I read today 90 thousand showed up. By late morning it was none stop boats and cruisers heading by us going up river. This meant lots of boat wakes to deal with.

With the rough seas conditions apon us I decided to take advantage of this and try lone line trolling a shoreline that can turn on when the wind blows the waves up on it. This turned out to work pretty well to for us. Nothing big for us on this spot but a fair number of mid sized walleyes came to the boat to keep the guys entertained.

The rest of the afternoon we headed down river to get away from some boat traffic and take a look at the more scenic areas of pool 2. We long line trolled for the most part with good numbers of fish coming to the boat. Also had a few good sized saugers come into the boat to in one of the side channels. Towards the end of our trip I was still working on trying to get Brandon a quality sized fish for the day. With a perfect ending to a great day of fishing Brandon hooked into a nice one on the last trolling pass of the day. A great way to end a great day of fishing.

Thanks for joining me on the river Saturday guys. Hope we can do it again some time.

For those of you that are looking to get out I would expect the walleye fishing should stay pretty good as long as the flow stays up. Good luck if you get out there.

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Mike W

45, self employed at HomeTown Plumbing Inc., 1 wife, 3 kids. Enjoy fishing rivers in MN. N St Croix, N Miss, Pool 2, Pool 4, and always looking for a new river to try. Spend most of my time chasing Full Bio ›


  1. Wanted to add a note on the BfishN Draggin jigs. Been spending a fair amount of time in my boat pitching live bait on these jigs and it is working very well. They have the wire bait keeper that can hold a crawler cast after cast. What else is very nice about them is how well they work with the slow presentation we use while pitching live bait. Many times we just crawl or slowly hope our baits across the dams and back to the boat. These jigs are fantastic for staying out of the snags. For all the jig pitching Ejay, Cesar and Brandon did on Saturday the never lost a single Draggin jig. That is a accomplishment for 3 guys that had never pitched wing dams before.

    BfishN Tackle.

  2. Great report Mike! I’m thinking I wil be getting out some this week. I love a lower flow for one reason: You can anchor almost on top of the wingdam and then pitch and run those cranks parallel down the dam. That means your crank is in the zone most of the cast instead of just when you cross the dam in a higher flow. I gots to go get some more bombers!


  3. Thanks guys. It was a very fun trip. Lots of fish biting makes for easy guiding.

    For those of you that are interested in getting out Im still running a mid week after work special. 2 guys fishing from 4pm until sunset for $199. Still have some weekend trip available to.

  4. Now that’s adapting to the circumstances! 90k unexpected visitors could change the gameplan a bit eh? Nice work and way to stay on ’em!


  5. Nice looking Pool 2 walleyes Mike…I bet that had to be a crazy river with all those pleasure boats, nice job adapting to changing conditions…

  6. Nice job…I heard they beat the world flugtag record too… looked pretty impressive.

    big G

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