With warm temps this past weekend we were forced to deal with some slush on the ice. However, Travis Renville and I didn’t let a little slush stop up from getting at those giant Red Lake slabs. Travis was after a trophy class, 15 inch crappie and although we didn’t get any that size Travis did get two 14 1/2 inchers pictured here.
The spot we set up on for the evening bite has been a solid producer. During the day I spent some time searching for one of those great day bites but with little success I check back on Travis who was having fun with those pesky Red Lake Walleye. The hardest part was taking pictures without any help. This is a nice 24 incher that Travis landed early afternoon.
In all we had a great day and Travis not only caught his limit of nice slabs but got two 14 1/2 inchers for the wall. Out of the 7 people I had on the ice with me over the weekend everyone was able to bring home a limit and release others for another day.
On Sunday I only had one group left on the ice and they had plenty of crappie action by themselves so I took some time to search out another day bite. I spent some time drilling holes and eventually located a smaller group of fish. The fish were very finicky, which has not been typical for day bites. So, I decided to give my Stone Legacy hole covers a try and see if light penetration was the issue. Sure enough, about a minute after setting the tip-up with the hole cover the flag was up. It didn’t take long and I had 6 fish on the ice in early afternoon. I have attached two pictures of the set-ups I was using on my tip-ups. Not only do the Stone Legacy hole covers keep your holes from freezing, they help finicky crappies bite during the day too! I am now a believer.
Nice report Scott….too bad we’re going to have to do it again this weekend
Okay you two,
I’m stuck at work, so far 12 1/2 hours shift and counting and it’s 3:30am, just finishing a complete system reload of a new program,
and testing. am heading up north (Red)by 9am this morning. less than 6 hours away. I should be hurting later
,, but I shall not be denied.
I have been doing a little more checking into these Stone Legacy hole covers. The real name for them are FreezeBee’s. I really like them for kneeling on the ice when I hole hop from hole to hole. Because of their color they do keep your tip-up holes open no matter how cold it is outside. I have been using these for the last few months and Adam and I have noticed that we got more fish on the holes with the covers, but this weekend REALLY made me a believer.
It sounds llike this product and many more products from Stone Legacy will be avaible through In-depthangling.com real soon. I think James is working hard on this for us, maybe even some discounts
They also make one of the nicest Rod Bags I have ever seen. It is called the Revolution and holds rods up to 35 inches with lots of storage
A little update. Several people have inquired about Stone Legacy. They have a web site http://www.stonelegacy.com and have set-up a discount code for in-depthangling.com and are offering some season end discounts.
“Discount code is INDEPTH on the web page.”
Hey Scott… I’m still holding out for that 15″+ for the wall. Oh, sooOOOoooo close! I had a GREAT time, and thanks for the extra accomodations that evening. Saved me a long drive home that night. You really went out of your way. Thanks again.
On another note, I did get a chance to see both the covers & rod bags Scott is talking about on my trip up there. Very nice QUALITY looking products. My current Croxton bag is pretty much overwhelmed right now…. and it looks like the Stone Legacy ones are the ticket. More room, PADDING, and a great “look” to the bags.
Scott tipped us off to these Stone Legacy products and as the old saying goes… “it never hurts to ask!” So we asked and Stone Lagacy set it up so visitors to In-depthangling.com can get some deep discounts on their products.
Here’s how the deal works… visit Stone Legacy On-line @ http://www.stonelegacy.com and check out their ice fishing gear. If something catches your eye, use the following promotional code when placing your order to receive the 25% discount.
Promo Code: INDEPTH
One of Stone Legacy’s newest Products is an indestructible rod case designed to keep an ice angler’s rods from taking a beating when traveling from spot to spot. It’s called the “REVOLUTION and it holds up to 8 ice rods in a convenient and light carrying case. (photo below) The REVOLUTION is on sale as a “pre-buy” for $39.95 w/ FREE shipping!
Raise your hand if you bust a couple ice rods per season.
This case will put an end to that problem forever!
Revolution Rod Case
HI ALL< got back from our Red Lake trip late last night. Took a total of three of us, went out of W.Wind. and fished Thurs afternoon and evening. one Crappie for the 3 of us. Drilled out 7 holes in a line, during the afternoon, searching for some biters, caught a 20″Walleye. Fri am, we landed 7 Crappies, mostly 12″ to 13 1/2 inches. had to leave the house late morning. Overall, I was hoping for better fishing, it was quite slow. Friday afternoon, we headed out about 2 more miles out. found our own spot, withing one hour after we set up for the evening, there was a constant trek past us, folks getting stuck quite often. got into my portable by 5pm and got our first Crappie about 5:30p. Seemed like a light switch, lots of Perch, flip the switch, Perch were done, and the Crappies there, not fast and furious, but very good. Biggest was a measured 13 7/8 inches, had many 13 1/2’s down to 12 1/2. Could not break that magic 14″. Took home 22 fish, and for the day and a half I had 7 Walleyes, the 3 nicest were 20, and two 15’s. Jack.
This is Russ Mayland, who enjoyed his first trip to URL. This Crappie was the largest fish we had during Fri morning. Think this trip will not be his last. Jack.
Thanks for the update Jack. Glad to here you had a good time-Great pictures. I will be putting up a weekend report this afternoon. We ended up getting into them pretty good again, but the bite was tougher.
Scott – Do you ever fish URL in mid to late March? There are a group of us guys that have the weekend of March 20th open and we’re hoping it’ll still be good to go then. Hopefully the slush isn’t horrible by then, but I’m guessing by the way it’s starting it’ll be hard traveling.
Josh, the URL fishing in mid to late March is excellent. I am usually done mid March due to Tournament conflicts. But, the guys that are able to get out usually do real well. You will need an ATV but finding great fishing is easy.