Mille Lacs Trolling Flashback in Time!

It’s sometimes funny how things work in life. You meet people and some come into your life and leave. Others enter and leave an impression and stay friends for years! You just “Click” and so it was for Ted Merdan and me. Ted and I first met back in 2004 while fishing the RCL Tournament on Mille Lacs. We were employing a new program of trolling nomadic walleyes out in the abyss of Mille Lacs. There were three of us out there. At the time doing this during the tourney I did not know Ted. But we knew a few people in common to us. As it turned out, Ted worked with my uncle at the time! During this tournament the slot on Milly was tight, and it had many people chasing smaller fish to make limits by rigging or corking. A few guys opted to take the “Hero or Zero” approach and hopefully turn a couple “Over 28’s” to the live well by chasing those nomads of the deep. Pre-fishing for this tournament I had landed 5 fish over 28” and convinced myself that I had a great chance to duplicate this on game day. Little did I know Ted was working the same program and was thinking the same thing!

On game day, there was a serious chop. I actually broke off my VHF whip antennae at take off! That sinking feeling of a possible failed program started to sink in as I drove to the spots programmed into my GPS. As we were driving out I was thinking “Maybe I should have rigged up some corking rods for the wind?!?” I fought the waves for what felt like forever to reach my trolling grounds. Once I reached them, I deployed my first rod out downwind on a board and put it in the rod holder. I could not put a board out up wind, so I opted to “Long Line” the upwind side of the boat. This simply means dropping line back, and putting it in the rod holder. Before I even got the second rod deployed, the downwind board disappeared! We landed a 27 7/8” walleye! I had a really good feeling that my fish were still there. I looked out to the West and saw another boat about ¼ mile away doing the same thing I was doing, not knowing at the time it was Ted! About a half hour later, my downwind board “Crashed” again…and this fish turned out to be 28.5”! We knew we would be in the money, so knowing we would spend the day employing this program was going to be successful! As the day went on, the lake laid down, and we were able to eventually get two boards out. As I remember, we picked up 2-3 fish per hour, all 24”-27.5” but none of the 28+” class we needed….Until 2 PM! We landed a 29.5” beast that eventually would win the tourney. Little did we know, Ted was having similar success, and he made it a horse race right up to the very last boat during the weigh in! Ted ended up taking second!

The next week, my uncle called and asked if I knew Ted Merdan? I said “I just fished a tourney against him at Mille Lacs!” Funny how things go sometimes! Over the years, Ted and I got to know each other and worked together on some successful and not so successful fishing programs on both Mille Lacs and the River. We got to fish a few years back during the infamous “Fall Bite” on Mille Lacs, and we had a record nite! But we had yet to replicate our pattern of 2004 together…Until yesterday! Joining us for the day was Bobby Miller (BurBob here on IDO.). We hit the Casino landing at about 10;15 AM and were trolling by 10:30. Our first spot off of a community flat had fish all over the graph suspending from 12’ down to the bottom. Consulting the Trolling Bible and from past experience, we armed ourselves with lures we knew would hit the depths we needed to be effective, we dropped lines back. It wasn’t long before Bobby had our first eye in the boat! A hair over 18” had hit a lure running in about 22” over 32 feet of water.

The second board crashed shortly after that, Bob and Ted looked at me and said “You take it” to me…well of course we argued for a millisecond, and I grabbed the rod telling immediately that this one was not an 18” fish! It turned out to be 26.5” and healthy as a horse! It hit a “Bleeding Tiger” Tail Dancer. Early on all of our fish came off the boards. I was running a long line straight back, while Ted and Bob ran boards. Eventually I was to go on a 4 fish run on the long line! The biggest being a 27.5” beast hitting a chrome Deep Long A Bomber. This fish brought memories of 2004 rushing back! And so the day went until we saw a rain cloud to the west. That was our cue to call it a day. Thanks a TON Ted for another great memory! It is always a pleasure to fish with you, and it’s an adventure that I wish would happen more! Thanks Bob for being the 3rd stick! I know you had as much fun as I did!

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Guide, speaker and tournament fisherman. Member of the , B-fish-N, St. Croix Rods, Marcum Technologies, Topline Controls, Lakemaster.


  1. Very nice. It sure is a special thing to find someone that can be a friend like that. I can understand that.

    This was a great report… and sure looks like fun!

  2. Back to work Monday. Taking advantage now!!!

    (Closed Circuit to Sauger…aren’t you fishing today Mr. “I don’t work Fridays and I always send you fish pictures when YOU are working???”)

  3. tuck; thanks for the great post. sounds like an awesome day. Let me apologize in advance if this turns into a “love fest”. it really makes me grateful to have developed some of these fishing friendships like you and ted enjoy! it also makes me grateful that you are feeling well enough to get out fishing so soon after your surgery.
    interesting thing here – “i have traveled extensively and made many friends and some “life long” friends in this somewhat crazy fishing world and one of my best buddies through this journey is none other than the Captain of your adventure yesterday”. Kind of interesting how competition brings some of us together and pushes others away. My experience has always been that the best competitors make the best friends.
    I remember traveling the PWT and teaming with Ted his first year in the PWT. I also remember the level of detail Ted would share with regard to the bite. Kind of interesting how some partners don’t have the same sense of detail when it comes to sharing… Kind of nice that Ted was rewarded with PWT ROOKIE OF THE YEAR TITLE THAT YEAR for his efforts. Ted and I still share the same level of detail and have a great time doing it. Hope you keep feeling great!

  4. Tuck:

    I am sure so many are thinking this, but I just gotta say that it is so nice seeing your reports. I actually thought of you last night as I watched the taped “Deadliest Catch” and Capt. Phil after his head surgery!!! I know your malady was not the same as Phil’s, but just knowing you went through head surgery brought it to light as well as his eventual demise.

    Great Report from da Pond!!!


  5. Quote:

    Back to work Monday. Taking advantage now!!!

    (Closed Circuit to Sauger…aren’t you fishing today Mr. “I don’t work Fridays and I always send you fish pictures when YOU are working???”)

    On the road now! Pictures to follow I hope

  6. Jim, you are spot on! That isn’t mushy in the least! I met you through tournaments and the Peters boys and consider you “One of those guys” as well. We all had the fun of experiencing days like these with good friends! For me memories of my old tournament partner Tim Hukriede come flooding back! As you know, Tim passed away of ALS a few years back. But when I spend time on the water with you guys, “Hook: is right there with me. And Bens..yes. After this last surgery and slipping away from the Reaper once more…I feel grateful as all heck to even be be out there! None of us are promised a tomorrow, so live for the day!
    OK…Mushiness over…

  7. From a stranger,
    I am happy to here your health and strength are returning. That has to be one of the best reports I have had the pleasure of reading.

    Thanks for that
    Best wishes on your continued recovery.

  8. Hey Jim! Welcome to IDO after 6.5 years of lurking. That’s got to be a record. Don’t be a stranger!


  9. It was certainly a day of great memories again – when Chris texted me on Monday and wanted to know if I was going to Mille Lacs this week I cleared my schedule! It’s hard to believe that just over 6 weeks ago he was in for surgery. A person should not have to ever experience cancer in their life – let alone twice. Tuck is a tough guy that will kill you with kindness and refuses to quit! He’s living proof that attitude is so powerful in determining your altitude in life!!! I purposely wore my ‘LIVESTRONG’ shirt for Chris yesterday – as the two of us along with several other IDO members share the special bond of being cancer survivors. With one radiation treatment left Chris is well on his way to being a twice over survivor – a rare honor!

    I will tell you this – I have learned so much from Jim and Chris over the years and would not be the fisherman I am without their help and guidance. I also count those two as some of my best friends and cherish being able to share a day of fishing with them – they don’t come often enough.

    Thanks again for the great day on the water Chris and to meet Bob – let’s do it again. It was sure fun reminiscing about that RCL tournament day and how we found the same fish 130K+ acre lake… !!! Strange/distorted/warped minds think alike

    Let’s not wait so long to fish together again – good things usually come of it one way or another.


  10. Quote:

    I feel grateful as all heck to even be be out there! None of us are promised a tomorrow, so live for the day!
    OK…Mushiness over…

    Well said Tuck

    Very entertaining read

  11. Thanks again Ted for a great day, I definately learned a few things that I will be sure to use in the future
    Thanks again tuck for 2 great days on the water
    Back to work eight Mondays from next

  12. Truly enjoyed your report Tuck! I would have loved to been a little mouse in your boat just listening to you guys reminiscing. I’m also guessing it was somewhat emotional trip for all of you as well knowing what Chris has endured in regard to his fight against cancer. It’s reminder for all of us to cherish our time together on the water.

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