Lake Puckaway walleye report.

We started out trolling on the lake about 7 am. and before we got the 3rd linecounter set out we were reeling in a northern and a keeper walleye. A great start to the day for sure. I was guiding 2 young anglers Ben and Ethan on Lake Puckaway for the morning. We were using number 7 shad raps and flicker shads for cranks and also using some cleos as well. Lake Puckaway is only a depth of 5 feet of water in a normal summer in the middle of the lake.

The colors for the cranks that was working for us were crawdad, purple and firetiger and the cleos were the fire tiger and the gold one was hot. We were running the shad cranks 8 feet back and the cleos 100 feet back. The boat speed was about 2.55 mph with s turns to change the speeds of all the cranks and spoons. We also speeded up the boat up over 3 mph and when we slowed the speed down again is when lot of the fish were smacking the baits. The old fluttering of the baits when slowed down seemed to be the key for the day.

Overall it was a greeat day guiding such fine young anglers in the boat and passing on some the tricks for trolling that I have learned along the way. Great fishing with you 2 this day.

From Jeff


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