Pool 3 & 4 Opener

Opening weekend for the respective WI & MN waters mean honoring long standing traditions and the hustle & bustle of everyone scrambling to head north. Although it is not technically our opener, a handfull of us area folks consider our river areas as it’s own opener as well.Why you might ask? The pictures will tell most of the story,but it means the oppurtunity to catch big fish and or numbers of fish in very low fishing pressure and the oppurtunity to fish virtually any presentation from trolling to as simple as throwing a anchor out and letting the bait do the work for you.

This past weekend a local small outing of area anglers fish either pool 3 or 4 of their choice Through the years,the weights from this outing are nothing short of amazing. This year would be even more memorable. The top 5 teams weighed in a total of 182#! Without a doubt,with the river stage and flow coming up, the respective pools redeemed themselves from a very inconsistant spring bite.Big fish made themselves known and in a big way.

Kent & Adam Anderson shown with these fish simply had the biggest bag of walleyes that I have ever witnessed or heard of ever in Pool #4.I cant quite think of the best adjective to describe that day of fishing,but a day they wont forget ever!

6 fish for 47 plus pounds with the lagest fish coming in at 30 inches and 10.6#!

My partner Nick & myself weighed in 41# for 2nd place.
Jon K Steve H 35#
Randy & Rob Stevens 33#
Team Hilgarder 26#
several others at 20 plus respectively.

Overall for those that fished pool 4,the top 4 boats,used variations of livebait rigging presentations to catch most of the fish. The trolling bite does continue to be a go-to presentation for those who like to cover water.Dragging jigs were very key for one of the locations that was very shallow and very woody.Having confidence in your presentation is probably more important than the magic of the “hotbait” IMO. The fish are there and being able to get out and actually do it myself was a weekend I will remember as my best opener ever! Hope you all had a great time fishing wherever you were!


  1. 41 pounds and a 2nd place???

    Man, no weight is safe with a pool 4 tournament.

    47 pounds is just sick. All I can say is “wow”.

    Maybe the ole FLW should make a quick switch south.

  2. Nice fish guys . Those are some great weights.

    Just an FYI for those that want to get on the water in the next couple of days. The bite’s still very good for those big eyes

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