I love the quotable saying by ReefRunner "You got to be pretty mad at them fish to go today" Well, my brother and I were not mad, maybe a little cooped up and in need of fresh air. No matter what!!
We rolled into Evert’s Saturday morning paving the first tracks into the new snow that had fallen overnight. Not an early start, it was about 9:30am or so. I had just lost a $5 dollar bet to my brother that there would be a boat or two ahead of us, but we were first.
As we were getting the boat ready, Steve jumped into action and started plowing the road and ramps. We put in on a clear ramp with no ice lip. No different today than a day in June as far as ice goes! Thanks Steve, You Rock!
The morning temps were in the low teens, but it was sunny and the wind was not that bad. We were keeping things simple and vertical jigging the main channel from the dam down past the first large wing dam. I would not say the action was fast and furious, but we managed a few fish each drift. I was using super-doos and ringworms and my partner stuck to a plain jig and minnow. Green and Blue were our top colors, but on a day like Saturday I’m certain anything you dropped down there would get bit!
Fun to be back on open water!
Jon J.
Way to go Steve, Jon, and Brother.
sounds like fun Jon,
See you in a couple of weeks !!
Great report Jon. Thanks.
Only two boats on the water when I was there.
I stoppped by Evert’s Sat. afternoon and the place looked great. The launches were clean as a whistle. Way to go Steve.
Gator Hunter
We live in the wrong place Herb. Hea Steve, Need you to swing down here to SE Iowa when you get a chance!
Made it out there today for a little while but things were pretty slow!
We started at the dam, I saw (a fish) caught but not in are boat! The water was so clear we could see clams in 8ft. After a while we moved down toward Red Wing were we picked up 7 small saugar none of them over 15.
Then moved toward the head of the lake and nothing but Lots and Lots of ducks I bet there was a 1000 right up from Youngs cabin, they were thick.
It was a great day to be on the water but not very exciting!!