Saturday (04/17) was one of those days that make you sit back and smile. The game plan for the day was to get out and test the lake bite with lead core. Knowing full well that the MTT tournament was being held out of Colville, the north end of the lake would be packed, so we chose some mid/southern lake Pepin water to let the lines out, try some new gear and see what we could find. And find we did!
The morning for us started out a little rough, didn’t have the right plug to connect the Skeeter to my truck, so a quick run to town to switch vehicles and meet our 3rd who was an hour and a half late (Bob) …. We were on our way to meet Erick Anderson and his buddy Zac Benson on the lake.
Erick and Zac had half a pass done by the time we got there so we made quick work of getting rods setup and deployed to get in the on the action.
First spot gave up some nicer fish, little too big for the box, but we were catching fish, the sun was out and we were having fun. Then we see some commotion going on in Erick’s boat, rod is bent over, and a fight is on! Turns out Zac got his personal best on that day. A beautiful 29” eye! After some quick snaps back in the water she went, high fives around the boats and baits were back in the water.
After a couple of hours and more and more boats showing up at this spot, we turned the boats south, onto the second spot.
The wind was really starting to blow at this point, watching Erick take off in the Crestliner and pound the waves I happy to be sitting in Dans 20 foot Skeeter running full tilt boogey. I know I would have gotten pounded and wet in the Lund, so it was nice to sit back and enjoy the glass ride.
Second spot we did the same as the first, find the break line running from 16-24 feet of water and follow it running the kicker 1.8-2.0, with bright colored baits getting all the fish for the day. Bob struck first on this spot with a dandy 21.5 inch sauger that came on a Flicker Shad in the Purple Tiger. Then the big fish gods smiled upon me when my core rod doubled over. Violent big head shakes, rod bent over and she’s not moving. Sitting in 22 feet of water with 25 feet of line out on the counter yet and she is directly below the boat! Nice and easy… She’ll come…
And up she came; with some net trickery we had her. All 28 inches of her! A couple of pictures and release, apparently she didn’t like her trip top side, as she splashed and tail smacked the Skeeter on the way back down.
Last pass of the day, last 50 feet, rod doubles over, fight ensues, and the biggest sauger I have ever seen hit the net. This beast taped out 23 inches! Would love to tangle with her next spring when she is full.
All in all, a great day down on pool 4, one that we will be talking about for years to come. Pulling core on the lake in the middle of April, and the quality of fish on that day will be tough to beat!
A couple more pictures!!
Great report! I could have used a few of those bigger fish yesterday.
Nice report Jami.
sweet report Jami…
Good work guys!
I needed them sat for the mtt
X 2 i was in mid lake led coring but i was hitting water from 16 to 8 FOW didnt catch anything!
good job guys!!
It was a blast boy’s! Nice to set the pitching rods down for a day
Ritt,You forgot to mention how bob convieniently forgot his wallet as well
And bob,no more schlitz and chile the night before you come in my boat!!!!!

Nice fish Guy’s
Just looked back at notes and I do believe this is the earliest bite I have had on pepin for as long as I have fished. Good time fishing by you guys all day covering some water. Not a bad maidne voyage of the south!
I knew you pool 3 guys were born to troll! Nice report and we need a day of it again!
Nice Fish Boys
I had to check it out on sunday and they were still there. Had a great day pulling lead.
Wallster ><((((>
show up late one time and hear about it all day
If I would have shown up on time I could have stood around for an hour while you two switched vehicles
Was a great day guys 

congrats again Benson
Ouch-ouch-ouch major salt in the wounds
Could have used those fish as well mtt this year. Awesome work nice report. I’m with Drew we were workin too shallow.
Nice fish boys, see ya out there. 
Great report Jami
Nice fish guys
Great report !!
Hey Jamie !!! Good reading !! fantastic pix too !!!
Glad to see your out on the water !!
Nice fish guys and great report Jami!
Good read Jami

Nice fish guys