Pool 8 Easter Bass Report

My heart was set on slow rolling spinners for toothy gators but arriving at Jolivettes landing it was obvious there was not going to be any way to launch a boat there. The dock was 30 yards out in the water. Wanting to tussle with some game fish Plan B was put into action. Traveling to another landing placed me near a few community Bassin’ spots.

Pool 8 has all kinds of opportunities for fishing during the high water periods. Sometimes it just takes a little looking around to find a spot with easy access for launching during these high water times. Dresbach Lower Landing, Clinton St Landing and the 7th St landing are just three of such landings that make putting a boat in not so much of a hassle.

The first couple hours were spent pitching plastics into flooded timber. This is a week point for myself making for a low confidence level but one of these days I hope to change that. It was at this point Strike King’s rattle Trap was tied on and in short order 2 strikes were missed. Changing to a slower retrieving reel and using a slight pump it was finally game on. The same area being pitch to without results started giving up some short Large Mouth Bass. How cool to see these fish putting on an aerial display in the timber no matter how small.

Keeping the boat just on the break in 12fow a long cast was made parallel with the ledge. This is when all get out broke loose with a strike that could be felt all the way to the elbow….it was Smallie delight

The break was holding a good number of fish for better than a 100 yard stretch. These red eyed devils were averaging 16-17 inches with some toads in the mix. It was easily a 20 bass day with 5 at 18 inches and one strong 19 inch smallie too the middle of the tail. The girth on this fish is 13.5 inches and this is where the story gets sad for myself.

The toad smallie was netted and the first thing noticed was blood all over the boat This fish inhaled the bait and bled out in a matter of seconds. The fish was placed in a large cooler of water which turned red immediately. My heart sank as I stared at a belly up beauty

I have been wanting a replica of a 20 plus Small Mouth for some time now so…..do I settle for just getting this one mounted? I think it will at least make me feel like I did this warrior justice. Any thoughts? Loosing fish is part of the game and that is understood but loosing this one on such a great outing sucked!

Any how…there is a good Bass bite gong on, if I can stick em, I’m sure anyone reading this can

Good Luck fishing people

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  1. The first pic was the tools of the trade on this day.
    Second pic….I could have sold a Rattle trap to this guy for a hundred bucks!

  2. Great job buddy! I could tell you were heart-broken over that Smallie when you called. Sometimes, no matter how hard a guy tries, fish like that will die. There’s nothing a guy can do, but move on.

    BTW….nice fish!

  3. Q.
    Any how…there is a good Bass bite gong on, if I can stick em, I’m sure anyone reading this can

    Not so fast Bret, not everyone owns that famous fish sniffer that you have
    Great looking smallies Bret and don’t worry about losing one! You’ve probably accounted for a billion eggs being put back to the system

    Nice to see an Easter report from you

  4. Hey nice report buddy Bret – – and without me there for spiritual guidance. I think I know where you were. Pool 8,,,, right???

  5. Don’t be too hard on yourself regarding the big smallmouth. Those things happen!

    I need to get bass fishing!

  6. Very very nice looking smallies Bret. Theres not much better than a big old smallie slamming a crankbait. Its awesome when your like thats a fish and its got some big shoulders. I wouldn’t be too upset about one smallie making the Bret Clark hall of fame. Nice job, Dan

  7. Great report Bret

    Don’t lose much sleep over the loss of your smallie
    Things like that happen and I know that you would have gone above and beyond to keep that fish swimming for another day

    About time the bass start getting their share of the reports


  8. Nice smallies & report Bret!

    Getting into a bunch of nice smallies can make for a real fun day.

    Sorry to hear about the big one turning belly up on you.

    I’m pretty sure you’re feathered friend would have been happy to give it a home.

    Would that be considered “recycling”?

  9. My wife loves me She thought the fish was a beauty and deserved a spot on the wall

    The fish was wrapped in a wet towel, placed in a plastic bag then put in the freezer and ready for a trip to the taxidermist
    Marianne just said I need to set my goal a little higher for the next smallie, sure hope it will be a replica instead of a kill.

    Come on 22inch Smallie

  10. Thanks for the report Bret. I hope to get out tonight! The bleeding out problem is a real drag. Life moves on.

  11. My wife loves me She thought the fish was a beauty and deserved a spot on the wall

    Good news….she’s a good woman

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