Pool 4 Everts Resort

With the high water conditions, CatchnRelease & I decided to head to Everts Resort anyways for our spring trip to the mighty Mississippi. We knew if anybody could give us the latest & greatest info it would be Dean! We arrived just after sunrise & were greeted by Dean himself who was already hard at work. After talking with him awhile we headed out to see what the day would bring. We decided to start down river from the Resort as our starting point. Hay creek is where we ended up & after finding my foot pad didn’t want to work on my trolling motor we had no choice but to drop the anchor & make a few casts if we wanted to fish.

With nothing to show for our efforts after about a hour & dodging all the other boats that thought we were onto something, we decided to head back up river to try & get the foot control working again. Not spending much time on it we decided to just go & drop the anchor & start pitching some current seams in search of a few active fish, it didn’t take long for Chris to prove he can still get it done pitching. He soon put 4 fish to the boat in short order, leaving me wondering why not me? LOL so after being the net man for awhile I finally hooked up with one myself & it was Chris’s turn the run the net as I put two in the boat in short order. Nothing better than sharing the net man’s job! And by the way we were the only boat in this area the whole day. Don’t be afraid to get away from the crowds & change it up a bit!

What was working for us? Throwing BFISIHN precision jigs armed with Stewarts pro blue or cotton candy paddletails, the best size was 3/16 to 1/4 oz jigs in few different colors into 3 to 14 fow. THANKS Dean for all the great info in the morning!!! One only has to be around Dean for a short period of time & listen to what the master has to say & you too can put fish in the net. Dean, if you need anything this spring with the resort just say the word & I’ll be there to help! I see your cleaning shack is already getting cleaned up with the high water.

Chris, as always it was a pleasure to share my day on the water with you & look forward to doing it again soon. Maybe next week when the water go down a bit we should take some cookies to Dean & do it all over again! If you’re heading out, be safe & stop into Everts for the latest & greatest info around!!

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  1. Thanks for the report Doug. Sure wish I could get down there. I would bet there will be a few people surprised by the jig weights you where using in these high water conditions. 3/16th and 1/4. Guess that tells what the flow was like in the locations you where fishing. It seems like no matter what the flow is like it is not to often my jig weights get up over a 1/4. If that weight does not work its time to move and find a spot where it will work.

    Thanks for the report. It sure looks nice out there from the photos you posted.

  2. Nicely written Doug. It was very nice to be back on pool 4 and great to be fishing with you Doug… always enjoyable. I went to the river planning on using something heavier than 3/16 so fishing that light yesterday was a nice surprise. Even better was finding an area away from other boats and feeling the *thunk!* on the other end of the line.

    On another note, I want to thank Dean for his hospitality. Anyone that knows Dean from Everts knows that he is a top notch guy and would probably give you the shirt off his back if you really needed it. I think his aim is to make sure that all fisherpeople have the best experience on the water possible. Thanks Dean


  3. Thanks for the info Doug. I think you guys did about as good as anyone considering the conditions…Same thing happen to me recently as the foot pedal on my Minkota PowerDrive died…
    Thanks to Stuart I have two of them now!

    I won’t be back until the 11th…hoping the water clarity improves as the river recedes…

  4. Thanks Guy’s! Thinking about heading back to search for the big gal that has my name on her.LOL That’s what I tell the FW. I think it might get me at least a couple more trips to see Dean. How come when I go down I never see BK? Is he in the back somewhere eating cookies?
    Also a big Thank you to The bluffs bar for a great fish fry friday night!! Man did I get full.

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