Gills, crappies… and two young boys covered in fish slime at sunset, was how yesterday shook out for us on the ice. Momma was not very happy with me when we got home, I forgot to have Alex change coats, apparently school clothes should not smell like fish…my bad! My good friend Chad and his son Nick joined Alex and I for a quick outing after work. The weather was 40+ degrees, very little wind, it was a beautiful afternoon to share with the boys on the ice.
The action for us over the last few weeks has been very good, lots and lots of active panfish during the day and the last two hours has been hand over fist. As we get more into the late ice bite, I think things are really going to take off. The fish seem to be grouped up big time, once they are located, that being the hard part, the bite has been lights out! Yesterday was not the hot bite we have been seeing, but still good enough to keep the young guns interested and having fun. The boys fished for a while then played on the ice. Alex at one point reminded me that he likes to ride the snowmobile while we fish, only problem, I don’t have a snowmobile!! Goofy kid-
One thing I have really noticed over the span of the last 3 weeks is jig color. I was having really good luck on glow red during the day and at night. Things have switched for me during the day, greens and yellows seem to be much better during the daytime. Red is still taking the bulk of our fish at or after dark. Keeping the jig glowing is making a big difference in active eaters. Wax worms are still outperforming anything else for us. The plastic bite is really slow during the day but the crappies are pounding plastics at night. We keep switching it up until the fish tell us what they want.
Alex now has his own flasher to use and was really excited to hit the ice yesterday to put it to use for the first time, THANKS uncle Dan! Watching him is funny but he does a really good job for his age. I really hope his passion for the outdoors continues to grow as he gets older. There are days when he just does not what to go and I am fine with that and I don’t push, the last thing I want is to burn him out. There are other days when all he has on his mind is getting out fishing or hunting. Yesterday was one of those day where he just could not wait to hit the ice, mainly to drive the truck I think, either way we are having a great time together and thats what its all about. As we were driving off the lake, Alex told me ice fishing was a lot of hard work. He also made a point to tell me “Thanks for taking me fishing today Dad”!!! I Love that kid- all smiles
I know Chad took some pic’s of Nick while there were fishing, with any luck I can get him to post a few
Just hung up the phone with Chad, he’s down on pool 4 catching fish from the boat today
Nice gills and pictures Bob!
Sure looks like a great time with those kids.
Nice job Bob. I might be heading out with the two year old on Friday. Let me know if you are heading out.

You two have put up quite a year! Steady bite with steady great reports……Thanks for sharing my friend
Road trip
No rocks for me to run into
I’ll check the calendar and as long as Alex drives I’ll feel safe
Awesome job Alex! I know your Dad uses phone books to see over the dash, but how do you reach the pedals and still see where you are going?
It’s just one phone book
Alex is sitting on my lap, no pedals yet, thats still my job.
OK,here we go!
By the way, Pool 4 was a blast. Battled a paddlefish for 20 minutes and of course lost her right at the boat. Got to touch her tail before she rolled and was gone. Pic would have been nice, but thats the way the she goes. Could of, should of, would of!!!!! Lots of nice saugers though.
Looking forward to the next trip. OPEN WATER! AHHHHHHHH!
That last photo of Nick is great
Thanks for the call from the river, 5 minutes of talk and
I got to listen while 3 fish were boated, sitting at my desk
Thanks for putting Nick and I on some fish. We both had a blast.
Wish you could have made it to pool 4! I think my face is sunburned!
Brings a smile to my face!
Great report Bob and kudos to you for making the fishing day all about the kids.
I also compliment you for making it fun too like letting Alex steer the truck on the ice. It’s the little things that a parent does while fishing that will entice the kids to want to go again!
Great job! 
Your report makes me want to get Ian out ice fishing! Do you have any ideas on where I can take him?

Great report Bob
Great read. Love the last few lines. I could never have imagined how amazing kids were until I finally had them!! They drive me CRAZY and still rock…