Lake puckaway is located in central wisconsin 75 miles north Madison about the same mileage to the east of Castle rock lake to give you an idea of the lacation of the lake. We were fishing some of the canals up in the Fox river which enters on the west side of the lake and the outlet is on the east side of the lake. The lake depth year round is about 5 feet and up in the river is some of the deeper holes which are 12 feet deep. The canals we were fishing were dug out by the army core of engineers for boats to navigate the fox river .
It was a super cold morning with some pretty good winds too boot. We got the tent set up and got the heater going and set up to jig. Withing seconds of the jigs getting down , we had nice gills coming in . They were pretty active for the day. We were using red spikes on various jigs. The jigs we were using were mamooskas, ratso and the diamond jigs in various colors. The water depth we were fishing was about 2 1/2 feet with some nice weeds in the area, but mostly they were just off the bottom. A steady drop of the jig and a light jigging motion brought the gills in to take a look and most of them could not resest the presentations for the day.
The fish for the day that we caught were bluegills which size ranged from about 7 inches up to the biggest one at 10 inches . We had a few nice perch as well with the biggest at 10 1/2 inches. The crappies were small with a nice big one lost at the whole. We also saw a lot of golden shiners down the whole and we caught a couple of those even. We had our limits in about and hour and a half , what a great day for such a cold day out there.
Thanks for the report Bushman
Another lake that would be fun to hit not so far away from Sparta. Shallow and sight fishin’ can be a blast
Thanks for the report, nice lookin’ filets

Nice report Jeff!
Nice fish Jeff. I’m looking forward to some reports from Puckaway when the eyes start to get more active.
Bret , look back into some of my other reports and you see that we fish the same way for the walleyes in shallow water.
Nice catch!
Went out on the lake this afternoon and was site seeing walleyes and got 1 nice one for supper .