After managing a day off on Friday, the truck was pointed north to try the deeps for some pool 8 panfish.
Being the second northern trip of the season gave us an idea where to set up. Initially, crappies were the target, popping holes in depths from 18-35fow. A few high marks off the bat but only 1 10in.slab finding its way up the hole the first 15 minutes. Not fast enough for this cat! Marking a ton of gills on the bottom with the Marcum LX5 a few extra holes were bored out with the trusty Strike Master in the 20ft. range. That is when the head scratching began…….
Buddy Jay was set up a short ways from myself. Bret, Mike, JP Mason, and Dan were in an area roughly 150ft.away. IDOer TJ91 along with his friend Pete were out in the basin depths, content on chasing the loose schooling slabs.
Minutes before, Jay was talking about a certain lil- cecil that he found and tied on the night before. As it turns out, by mornings end, quite a few guys were scrambling to find this certain flashy little number. Once in awhile during a season, one jig and one jig only is the ticket, not just the type of lure but also the color pattern. Today was Jays day! Everyone was on fish, don’t get me wrong, the flashers were constantly ratting out their presence and you could see the interest the gills were taking, just not the eating part. Rough guess….Jay was icing gills 8 to everyones 1! In a short span it was obvious he was on his way to a quick limit of good gills while everyone was saying "what the heck"!! Nice job Mr.Fitzgerald and thanks for leaving me that cecil after you lugged off your nice mess of fryers……good luck getting that back!
Turns out, I finally found a similar cecil that I put out on loan to Bret. Seeing that the treble was designed for big slabs, Bret quickly changed out the hook and downsized. Tipping the cecils with waxies and working the bottom ft. turned a frustrating day into a salvage mission. By days end and with JPs donation(Thanks JP) of some hearty blue ears a fine mess was finally put together.
As always, it is really a pleasure to hook up with friends from this site and mixing it up, talking fishing and shooting the bull. Time can really fly out there and a guy only wishes that the days were alot longer. Thanks buddy Bret for locating the herd bulls. Mike, and JP…..always a pleasure! Nice meeting Abe and Dan also, hope the rest of your ice season keeps you on top of those awesome pool 8 fish!
My son Cam missed out on Fridays LAX run do to a tight 6th grade schedule.(Get use to it kiddo) Saturday on the other hand, Cam was all sorts of fired up to chase the shallow sloughs of pool 10 for biters. This was a special day for the lad. A few weeks before, Dad was getting a little riled about sharing the Marcum with his 12 yr.old. A decision for another flasher was made and the shopping began. Sitting along side each other in the tent brought about concerns of screen interference that a lower end model would recieve from the LX5. IR (Interference reduction) was an absolute must but it also had to fall into a lower end, mid January budget. The LX3 was getting consideration until an excellent suggestion by James Holst. James mentioned the great features on the new Marcum VX-1 along with a great introductory price! A little homework was done, a call was made and after a whopping day and a half wait the unit was at our door step.
Getting Cam set up with his new toy was painless, he did have some experience with the lx5 so that did shorten the learning curve. Before I was done popping holes, Cam already had the unit fired up, bottom zoom and IR turned on and quickly put his first keeper gill on the ice. Heckuva unit! Lighter weight, easy operation for kids and newbies with a crisp, colorful- three color read out. If you are considering a flasher without all of the bells and whistles but still want to be able to hunt down the biters then this unit should really be considered…….sure glad we did!
Good luck IDO,
keep drilling ice!!
A few bonus pics
The bass were on a mission too.
To get your hands on one versatile little fish getter look here. A day saver for sure! lil cecil
The bait on the bottom in the left column doesn’t catch fish however!
To get a better look at the Marcum VX1-pro you can click right Here!
That was a great read Jeff
Thanks Jay for finding the proper bullet for the gills Friday, and thanks for finally tossing the one over you were trying to hide from me Jeff
I purchased some Gold Glitter Nail Polish on the way home
Not for my nails guys so stop right there 
It was a great IDO showing on the ice, all you guys are a lot of fun to hang with
Congrats on the new LX-1 Cam
Bout time you don’t have to share with Dad 
sweet read Jeff looks like fun! as poor as the bites been down here that long run to Lax isnt all to bad. You guys werent keepin those bass were you?!

They were too small to butcher Jon, I like eating those 18-24 inchers
Great read Jeff

That breaks my heart right there
Over 24 I leave lay on the ice for the eagles

Bass guys are so sensitive
Yep, bass guys and nephews to boot…….touchy touchy

hey now, as long as its on pool 8 i guess i dont mind
i dont think those pool 8 bass will jump 2 pools down so its all good 
Great report Jeff.
That was a fun relaxing day on the ice with the “group”.
I better not start seeing Bret show up with gold glitter nail polish on now
– if I do it’s all you fault. 
Great read Jeff
Any time you have room I have marcum will travel 
Anytime you want to make a road trip Tim you are more than welcome.
Great read Buddy
Thats funny…. I never heard my phone ring
Just joshin ya, Nice read Jeff and great job on the fish boys

Nice read Jeff- Good to see you and Cam out after it!
Great job you guys !! Sounds like you had a blast. I’m pumped I got my Marcum LX-3 (present from brother in-law) up and running and can’t wait to try it out up at Castle Rock !! Thanks to James also it was the battery. Runs like a champ.
Nice report Jeff.
But you better watch out for Cam now that he has his own Marcum. 
Nice report Jeff.
But you better watch out for Cam now that he has his own Marcum. 
Nice report Jeff,
Notice how the gills are on the smaller side this year ? I have found a few real 7 to 8 inch gills but those are far and few between..