Temperatures above 10 degrees and biting walleye is all the invitation I need to get me in gear and headed North. With a five man crew in line and anticipation of a new excursion into unpressured water, Myself and Calvin ventured to Minnesota’s Leech lake for a day of walleye fishing which would quickly become an unforgetable multispecies day on the ice. Leaving Albertville at 4:15 AM, put us on our first set up on the ice, which quickly became the spot as well.
Abruptly after getting the gear out of the trucks, we were on fish. Small walleye were caught immediately in the morning on their way off the main breakline into 35 feet of water.
Positioning our selves on the bottom of the breakline in 33 feet was the right decision because this depth served as an absolute highway for fish including walleye perch and tulibee. After an hour of 17" and shorter walleye, perch became our target.
It was an absolute treat for me to be able to have a seat in the cozy Otter, and be entertained continuously by the traveling schools of fish. Walleye were a bonus as we fished our way through the Jumbo perch keeping around 50 perch for the day.
The main attack for me was an 1/8 oz spoon of course; and a deadstick. There are several interpretations of what a deadstick is. Some say its a rod and bobber, others including myself use a deadstick as a hanging jig rod. My deadstick consisted of a 32" Thorne Brothers Perch Sweet Heart and a spoon tipped with a live minnow through the lips. The Thorne Perch rod has a slow load up. This is done with a masterly crafted blank and guide setup that allows just a bit of action under a slight load. With a 1/12 oz spoon and minnow rigged "dead" I can see the rod move ever so slightly under the action of the minnow. When a fish hits, initially no resistance is felt. Then the Perch Sweetheart loads up very quickly setting the trebles into the lips of unexpecting predators. Perch and walleye were harvested under this "deadstick" set up.
Leech lake currently holds a protected slot of 18" to 26". All fish 18" to 26" must be returned to the water and 4 fish under 18" may be harvested per angler, one of which may be greater than 26".
I must say that Leech is a beautifully healthy fishery. A day on the water on Leech encompasses that angler in an array of the food chain. The chain of predation becomes quite obvious:
As the anglers, we postioned ourselves over rocky terrain which must hold an unimaginable amount of forage including crawfish and fresh water shrimp. There is no better meal for perch than what these rocky areas of Leech Lake hold. Harvested perch consistently undigested heaps of craw and shrimp. What better meal for walleye and pike than a massive biomass of perch. Further more, the schools of tullibee follow in aggressive schools of 10-15 constantly.
Tullibee were the aggressive fish of the day. Many anglers overlook them. I’ll be the first to tell you its very difficult to overlook a screen full of whitefish that will chase a bait as fast as lake trout. A 17" Tullibee is an absolute battle!
Then theres Calvin. Calvin and I have fished for years together. You can always count on him to be the slow and steady guy giving each hole a careful presence of the LX-5. Typically I’m the guy running around like mad man giving each hole seconds as I watch Calvin slowly and surely get bit. Well yesterday I was able to watch him as I was graced with the hot hole in the Otter. I’m going to take a guess that he was an easy child. Give Calvin a bag of sunflower seeds and a Thorne Brother’s Sweet Heart Rod and you’ve got a guy who will stay busily content for days and continuously catch the big fish, This one for instance was the big 27" for the day. Its definately wonderful to see these mature fish in Leech.
Our group of five anglers fished from 7 AM until shortly after 5 PM. Action was constant except for a completely acceptable break for lunch from 11 AM through Noon.
There is much to be said about the past history of Leech Lakes fishery status. It is another fine exmaple of the MN DNR’s abilty to recognize issues and in turn revive a renewable resource through cooperation of multiple groups and governing bodies.
I felt like a guest yesterday as I’m still learning the patterns of the lake. I received a mass of information in one outing pertaining to the forage structure and locations of targeted fish. During that education, I was pleased to find myself catching fish surrounded in good company.
I see Leech Lake as a wonderful opportunity for family excursions. Not only is Leech a perfect action packed fishing opportunity for family and friends to bond, but the Walker and surrounding area holds a great up-north feel with countless opportunities of other non-fishing activities. Its an area like no other close to the hussle and bussle many of us call home.
Here is the link for the video:
Leech Lake Video
Thanks for the report
“Then theres Calvin. Calvin and I have fished for years together. You can always count on him to be the slow and steady guy giving each hole a careful presence of the LX-5. Typically I’m the guy running around like mad man giving each hole seconds as I watch Calvin slowly and surely get bit. Well yesterday I was able to watch him as I was graced with the hot hole in the Otter. I’m going to take a guess that he was an easy child. Give Calvin a bag of sunflower seeds and a Thorne Brother’s Sweet Heart Rod and you’ve got a guy who will stay busily content for days and continuously catch the big fish, This one for instance was the big 27″ for the day”
My favorite seeds are David brand….Either Ranch or Dill Pickle…

Nice report Matt

Ill be up that way somewhere with Joel end of the month and cant wait

Excellent work guys! Sounds like you found them and put the hurt on, both in short-order.
Great description of the Perch Sweetheart as well, and an interesting way in which you use your dead-stick rod. I can see several advantages, but am wondering why you choose to go with this over a traditional plain-hook with a live minnow under a bobber routine?
Again, great stuff!
I think that its just a bit more versatile. I never use bobbers, they’re in the way. If I need to concentrate on a fast moving school, I’ll just move my MarCum to the other hole. The best part about it is the treble hook on the spoon for sure hook-to-lip action legally. Its basically just like using 2 jigging rods if you’re doing it right.
Good Stuff Matt and Cal. Happy to see you guys got on the fish. Those tulibee where a blast. All I had to say to Nate was Tulibee time and we would raise up our baits. They usually can into the Marcum fast and in pairs and it was game on instantly. Fun stuff. I didnt want to leave Leech.
Thanks for the invite guys.
I promise not to hog all the fish like I did on Mille Lacs.

Great stuff boys!!

Davids Ranch seeds are the best!
Great report guys just wondering if you got that stink off your fingers yet from them Tulibee. Sounds like another great day on the ice.
Hey Matt, Great read on Leech Lake !! I used to fish that lake a lot back in my days living in the cities…
The walleyes were on their way on the down slope..Has the slot been the main reason for the return of the walleye ? I really do not remember what it was back in the mid 80’s
No pictures of the dandy tullies? What the hey! If your around this week and want to go after some crappies let me know.
Nice to hear someone give the DNR credit for a change. I get tired of hearing how they can’t count deer, etc. Seems to me, at least in Wisconsin, we shot the deer to extinction 50 years ago and it was the DNR that brought them back. Anyway, congrats on the great day of fishing.
great report Matt, can’t wait to get up there again.
Great report Boys
Mission accomplished! Great write up Matt. Nice job getting in on a school with your first location…..you must have picked over that LM chip thouroughly
Not giving up the area of course, in general, what was it you were looking for initially to put you in the ball park? Secondly….was that immediate 33fow off the main break your go to for the day or did it extend out to a flat basin with roaming schools? Thanks again 
Its right off Stoney Point campground access. Follow out the paved road to the end and you will be right on the break. If you have a Lake Master you cannot miss it. My buddy Nate and I fished it for 4 straight days and hammered them.
awesome reports guys! i will be up there in a few weeks!
Nice work boy’s!!
That area was PACKED with houses.
There is a nice plowed road we saw off stony point though. Should be fairly easy for people to get to 
Great report Matt! Just want to thank Cal and you for the invite to come with on Leech lake excursion. Its was a blast! How can you not have fun catching walleye, perch, and those hard fighting tullies! I was fortunate enough on this trip to get to test out one of Cal’s brand new custom made thorne bros rods and all I have to say is WOW!!! After an experience like that, its pretty much a guarentee that I will be picking one up ASAP!
Anytime Ryan….I stopped at Thorne again tonight…
And He dropped another $1000 I’m sure
Just designing/testing a new rod with Pat for panfish. Trial period should begin in a few weeks..
How much can I count on spending for this one? 
Don’t know
but this might be my new goto rod for tullipee’s……

Its probably a good thing that I dont live as close to Thore Bros as you, otherwise I defineatly would be a constant visitor !
Just have to decide what I want, but I know they will hook me up! 
sounds like you had fun matt.
ive never fished leech before but plan to head up monday or tuesday.
Welcome to the site!
Give it your “A” game. Leech is definately the best source for walleye in the state right now in my opinion. The numbers and quality are there. 

If you’ve ever read one of those simple “How to” books of walleye fishing,…..Leech is the place to apply it
hows the travel on the lake? were you able to get around fine with a truck?
are you putting your engineering degree to any good use?
Truck travel is OK, 4×4 is a must. I don,t recommend bahaing across the lake. I don’t know what cracks are out there and other open water spots.
and my degree is not in good use right now
Sure I get to fish, but beleive it or not, I’d rather be making paychecks 
Great report and video Matt! I will be out there this weekend.
Nice Report Matt!! How big are those perch getting??